20 Laps.

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Jacey POV
Beep Beep Beep Be-

I slam my hand hard on my alarm clock. I groan as I slide out of my warm bed. "Meow" I look at my cat Icy, "Good morning Icy." She purrs and lays down in my spot I had just left in my bed. I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I throw on my outfit and head downstairs.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, what do you want to eat tonight?" She chuckles at me as my face lights up at what she asked."Spaghetti!" I shout and she laughs. My mom is 5 foot 4 inches, with brown skin, brown eyes and black hair that stops at her shoulders. My mom also owns her own bakery.

"Where's Daddy?" I ask her as I take one of her French Toast. She pops my hand away and say, "He just left for work." I pout at her answer for second and then shrug it off.

I look at the time. "Oh God its 8:10, Jonny is going to throw a fit." I grab my keys and kiss my mom goodbye, I got into my Honda Accord 2015. As soon as I start my car, my phone starts ringing. "Hello."

"Where the hell are you J?"

"I lost track of time I'm on my way right now. Bye love you." Before he can continue to fuss me out I hang up on him. Me and Jonny has been friends since we were in the 5th grade, we met in elementary school and became friends ever since.

I pull up to Jonny driveway and honk, he comes out right away. Jonny is about 6 foot 1 inch, he has hazel eyes, he is also mixed with black and white. He is very muscular and he is also on the basketball and football team. Plus he's very popular amongst the girls and guys.

He still hangs out with me, at first people thought we were dating but we told them straight up that we are just friends.

Jonny gets in the car and just stares at me. I refuse to look him in the eye. I finally give in and say, "Jonny I'm sorry, I lost track of time, you can't stay mad at me." I say all that as I poke him in the cheek.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "You're right, you lucky I love you. Now drive before we be late."

I mock salute "Yes sir." We arrive at school fifteen minutes later. "J, you have Chemistry honors first, don't you?" I nod.

"Well, we have to split up here, I'll see you at lunch." He hugs me and walks in the opposite direction from me. As I'm walking someone bumps into me. "Sorry, I didn't see you." I look up and see that it is the most popular boy other than Jonny, Zachary Daniels.

For some reason I have grown feelings towards him. He walks off as he apologizes to me. Yes, he has a girlfriend, but I need to tell him how I feel sooner or later so I can get it off my chest. One day this week I will pull him to the side and tell him how I feel.

You might wonder how can I be so blunt, I don't really believe in not telling the person how you feel, just let them know. You might get rejected or you might not. Things happen for reason in my book.

I enter my class and spoke to my teacher "Hey Mr.Dean." He smiles at me and say, "Hey Jacey, how have you been?" I say good and go to my seat. Soon after that people start to come in. I sit in the middle of the whole class and the only person in this class is Zachary and he sits in the back of the class in the middle.

I hate chemistry, but I'm barely passing with an 80. 90 minutes later the bell rings and I head to my second period class which is math 3 honors. I hate math, I am failing that class, sooner or later my teacher is going to assign one of the students to tutor me.

I sit down in my seat and I see Tina who walks up to me and smile, "Hey Jacey, what have you been up to?" I shrug my shoulders as I sit down, "Nothing much." Tina is a dark skin girl with dark brown eyes and with hair that stops at her neck, she also runs winter and spring track.

Me and Tina are friends but, she is Zachary best friend than she is to me, speaking of Zachary he walks in and sits in his seat in the back right corner by the window. Why am I just realizing he is in two of my classes?

The bell rings and Ms.Gail comes in and starts with the lesson, in which I have no idea what's going on.

Skipping to Lunch

I'm walking out of the school to go pick up mine and Jonny food, we are in the mood for some Bojangles. Five minutes later I arrive back at the school. "Here you go." I put the food in front of Jonny and sit down. "Thank you J." He stuffs his mouth with fries and looks over at me, I turn around and see Tina walking towards our table.

"Hey Tina, what are you doing over here?" She shrugs her shoulders and sit down with a sigh, "I don't want to deal with Zack and Nicole arguing." She points at a table and there you will see Zack and Nicole arguing. Jonny clears his throat, I look at him and he is just staring at me. "What?" He looks at Tina and then back at me.

I get the signal and say, "Oh um, Tina this is my best friend Jonny." They shake each other hands and we start having small conversations about any and everything. "J, you have practice today?" I nod at Jonny question. "Okay good because I also have basketball practice and I don't want to catch a ride from the boys."

"Tina are coming to track practice?" She nods her head, "Yeah, I'll be there." The bell rings signaling that lunch is over. I head over to American History 2 honors. I spoke to my teacher and sit down at my seat. I have the highest grade in this class out of all of the whole senior class, history is easy to me.

The principle even said I don't have to go to class, but I do anyway, all I do is sit in the back and just look out the window.

When it's time to take a test I finish it in like 10 minutes and just return to looking out the window. I look from the window and realize Zachary is also in this class. What in the world, he's in all my classes, his girlfriend Nicole sits right behind him. It looks like they resolved their little argument, because Nicole hair is all messed up and Zachary has a big red hickey on his neck.

We make eye contact and I look away quickly not wanting to be caught staring at each other by anyone else.

"Jacey I would like to see you after class today." I nod my head, "Okay." The bell rings and I walk up to Mr. Green desk he looks up from his paper work, "You wouldn't mind tutoring anybody for this class would you?" I clear my throat, "No I don't mind, its fine."

He looks at his grade book and tells me, "You will be tutoring one of the students in this class. If you do that you don't have to do any of my projects for this class." I nod my head and say goodbye and goto my last period class which is gym.

I go to go change and come back out and go to where Tina and Jonny are sitting at. I'm not even surprise, Zachary is also in this class. "Okay, today all you will have to do is 20 laps around the gym and after you are done you can do whatever you want in the gym." My gym teacher, Mrs.Ellen says.

I finish my laps in no time, and sit down on the bleachers. "Do you know what you're doing in the next track meet?" Tina asks as she stretch. I shrug my shoulders, "All I know is that I'm doing long jump for sure." She nods her head, as she is continuing stretching, some boys start whistling at her and she gives them the finger. They start laughing at her and so do I.

Gym ends quickly and I run outside and head to the track and start to warm-up. As I'm leaving I feel like someone is staring at me.

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