Chapter 3

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My breathing is going back to normal. I actually made it somewhere before it attacked. That makes three. Three panick attacks, and its only friday.... Friday.... So I only started school a few days ago. Ive had the same thing happen every time, too. The same things have floated into my mind: the pain that the lightning brought, the bald man with grey eyes finding me in the friged snow, and the rainbow that I saw right before I got out. Actually, the double rainbow is the last image I remember before the man found me. I remember it in the distance, right before they took us in from the cages. My friend-or what I guess you could call 'cell mate'- pointed it out to me. Bonnie.

I hope she got out with me. I hope she lived. I hope she didnt die of the severe cold. But if she did die, I hope she died before they got to her.

"Katarina?" Asks Jonathan, The boy I met at lunch on the first day. "Kat..." He looks down at me as I ly in the second floor janitors closet. He looks scared, but I cant blame him. I would be too if I found my friend crouched on the ground screaming her head off. "Im, Im okay." I stutter, allowing him to help me up. "Should I get the nurse or someone?" Jonathan helps me into the empty hallway. "No, this happens often." I tell, smileing cheerfully at him. Im not even pretending that im fine. Ive had so many of these, it doesnt even really hurt anymore. "I should get to math though..." I start to walk away when he calls "Maths over. Schools over actually. It ended a few minutes ago, but since you werent in our last two classes, I went to look for you to ask if you and your brother wanted to come swimming with us. 'Cause, you know, it closes tomorrow."

I think about how aweful I would look in a swimsuit. Not how the typical girl would be self-concious. But how the typical girl would act if she had a huge spiderweb of scars across her chest and stomach, not to mention scars that the doctors think is from a wip, but I really dont know. "Uh, no... But Koby would like to." I nod my head and walk towards the staircase.

"Katarina," Jonathan grabs my hand and turns me to face him. "Is this where you went the other two times that you just... Left?" I study his expression before answering "No. I went to the parking lot and the empty classroom in the basement..."

"Thats not what I meant." He says, lifting my chin so im looking into his dark blue eyes. "What I did mean, is; why were you screaming, and holding your head between your arms? What made you like this?"

I take a deep breath, letting the paper and pencile-shaving scented air fill my lungs and I close my eyes, begining to sing one line of my song. "Do you remember, three years ago, there was a bunch of kidnappings? And, a few months after the last person was taken, a couple of the kids escaped off of a mountain in Europe?" "Yeah..."

"I was the reason we got out. Something happened to me while I was in the prison that made me.... Powerful. I practicaly destroyed their headquarters, while killing many of them in the process."

Jon cups his muscular hands around my face. "You... You were the girl in chicago.... The girl that went kinda..." He trails off, but I immediatly fill in. "Insane." I nod my head and start to sing loudly, backing away from him in the process. "Im insane."

I jog down the stairs and out the front door into the parkinglot, leaving my only friend ive made here behind.

"Kat what took you so long?" Kale asks as I get into the backseat of his car. "Jonathan wanted to know if we wanted to go swimming. I told him that I dont wanna go, but Koby might." I look at Koby sitting in the front seat reading a small book. "I dont want to go either." He tells us. We back out of the parking spot and start down the street.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as we turn onto a buisy road.

Kale reaches onto his pocket and hands me the contents. "Airplane tickets." I state. "To Indianapolis Indiana," Koby tells me, "which is only a little ways away from Avon." A small smile creeps onto my lips. "And we are headed to the airport now?" I ask them. "Yeah, mom thought it would be a nice suprise. She packed you three days worth of clothes and told us to take you." My twin shrugs his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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