Chapter 4

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Carls P.O.V

After I told Lux about everyone in the prison, I showed her around. She seemed amazed by it, which I dunno why considering that the prison was a piece of shit. But it is safe, the only safe place we've got really.

By the time I finished showing her around she looked tired, so we went back into our cell. Everyone was asleep except for Michonne but she doesn't really sleep. I knew Lux wasn't sleeping either because I could hear her digging through her bag .I sat up.

"Lux?" I said

The digging stopped and it was quiet for a while.

"What?" she replied.

I got off of my bunk and climbed down the ladder, then I sat on her bed next to her. She had her stuff everywhere on the floor and on the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked

She shrugged and looked at me. "Making myself at home."

I picked up a small stuffed elephant and looked at her. "What's this?" I asked, smiling.

She yanked it out of my hands scowling. "None of your business"

I smiled wider. "Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?"

She glared at me "It's the only thing I've got left of my family dick breath now leave me alone."

I sat there. Feeling bad for what I just said. "Look," I started. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I was just trying to have fun. I don't blame you for sleeping with it."

She looked at me, not really believing what I said, and then she smiled a little. "It's alright, I guess I shouldn't be so sensitive or whatever."

We sat there for a while, then out of no where she hugged me.

"Thank you." she said "I would probably be dead right now if you wouldn't have saved me."

I hugged her back cautiously, not knowing if I should or not. "You're welcome" I said. Then she let go and laid down. I took this as my cue to leave so I got up and climbed back up the ladder. I lay down on my own bed with a stupid grin plastered onto my face.

"Goodnight Carl." I heard from below me.

"Goodnight Lux." I replied, then I closed my eyes.

I was standing with Lux, in the middle of a living room. Her lips were moving but I didn't hear anything that she was saying. I felt myself move closer to her, stopping inches from her face. My lips started moving but I had no idea what I was saying. All of the sudden we were kissing. Not the sloppy kisses of horny teenagers either. The real kind. The kind people in love give each other. Lux was against the wall and I was pressing up on her. We were both still kissing.She had her hands tangled in my hair then one hand slipped down to the hem of my shirt. She started pulling at my shirt and I helped her pull it over my head. I felt her cold hands press against my stomach and I moaned a little into the kiss. I slipped one hand under her shirt making her open her mouth. I took my chance and slipped my tongue inside of her mouth, exploring that stuff better than Dora. I started fumbling with the clasp to her bra and she arched her back off the wall pressing herself into me. I felt myself instantly harden and she giggled, moving her hands slowly to my belt. She started tugging on my buckle right when I unclasped her bra. I moved my hands back to the front of her chest and started feeling around. She gasped and I smiled into the kiss.

"I love you Lux" I said, moving my mouth to her ear

"And I love you Carl." She said back.


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