Part 37

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As we turn to the see the shouter, Heath shields me behind his body. I place my hands on his back, feeling our connection strengthen at the contact, and peek around his strong shoulders. I recognised the man as being the janitor, closely followed by the principal and a couple of the teachers. I blush and hide my head back behind Heath.

"My office. Now!" The principal shouts angrily.


I look around the small office as we wait for the principal to join us. He told us to wait here, while he went and inspected the classrooms. I blush at our predicament. I'm only in a shirt, with nothing underneath. I cross my legs, pulling the shirt even further down. Heath turns to look at me, and when he sees my worried expression, his hand falls onto my knee giving me a small amount of comfort.

"We'll sort this out. You don't need to worry." I am about to reply when the door bangs open, and the furious principal walks around his desk to sit in his chair. I jump pulling my leg away from Heath.

"What's your name, and how old are you?" He shoots at Heath.

"Heath Wilder*, and I'm 21." He replies easily.  The principal makes a note before turning his attention to me. He drops my torn clothes onto the desk. I blush, knowing that I won't be able to explain it without sounding mad or as if I was lying. I also know how it probably looks to someone on the outside.

"Miss Richardson, I never expected this from you." He says disappointed. Heath seeing my distress jumps in.

"What exactly are we being accused of?" The principal gives Heath a glare.

"Acting out your kinky desire in my school." I hear Heath let out a low growl as he sits up further. He's turned into the Alpha he is. The principal loses some of the cockiness.

"I don't get the problem, we are both over the age of consent, and we wouldn't need to have stayed overnight if we weren't locked in, in the first place." He snaps at the principal. I reach for his arm, not wanting him to get into anymore trouble. I'm surprised that he didn't deny the accusations, but to be fair how do we explain our nakedness and the torn clothes?

"I'd watch your tone, Mr Wilder." The principal warns before turning back to me. "Do your parents know that you're with this young man, Miss Richardson?" 

"Yes." I reply instantly.

"So, if I call them they won't be surprised to find you with him?" He asks, his tone suggesting that he hopes to get me in trouble.

"That's correct. They'll also understand the situation we are in right now." I tell him, knowing my parents will put two and two together. He raises his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Want to change that?" He asks reaching for the phone. I shake my head. He types my name into the database on his computer, getting the number for my parents, and calls them.

"Hi, Mr Richardson, it's the school. I'm sorry to contact you at this time, but I found your daughter and a young man by the name of Heath Wilder in the corridor this morning when we unlocked, half naked..." The principal explains to my dad. I use my extra hearing to listen to my dad's response. I hear him let out a loud sigh of relief.

"Are they OK?" He asks. My dad's response confuses the principal for a minute, before he answers.

"Yes... but Mr Richardson that is not the point-"

"I don't care what the point is, I'm just glad that Trixie is safe with Heath." My dad cuts him off. Heath reaches for my hand, giving it a slight squeeze.

"They shouldn't have been in school after hours..." The principal argues.

"No, they shouldn't. Do you care to explain to me why they were?"

"They were probably hi-"

"No. I got a text telling me that she was in detention, and Heath was meant to pick her up and bring her straight back. I trust them both but I don't trust you, so tell me why you were careless enough to leave them locked in the school for the night." My dad finishes angrily. The principal is left speechless, causing a small triumphant smile to come onto my face.

"I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Good." My dad responds before hanging up.

"Now, could we have some clothes?" Heath demands.

Here you go! I hope you liked it!

I'm sorry for the extremely long wait, I hope to have the next one up soon. We may learn what is being kept from Trixie.

The reason there is an asterisk (*) by Heath's last name is because I have changed it, I wanted to use the name as a first one in another book I am writing (The Bars Between Us) so I decided to change it. I haven't changed it in any other parts yet, but I will do it when I get the chance.

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CC ;)

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