Lucas' house

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"So what exactly is this for?" Drew asked in an annoyed voice.
"Are you really that dense?" Lucas asked "We need to figure out what's following Snow and make sure it's not a threat."
Drew rolled his eyes "You're a threat" he muttered.
Lucas rolled his eyes "Really? Could you grow up for one second?"
"Take your own advice" Bunni snapped at Lucas "we're all tired of your guys' shit."
Lucas scoffed "Oh please, we both know you were just like this too."
Bunni stood up "I'm going to find Lasie."
I watched him leave then frowned "Why'd you do that Lucas?"
Lucas rolled his eyes "You haven't known him as long as I have, he's just putting on an act and I'm tired of it. Bunni isn't some nice guy who respects people, he can't be! He's a lady magnet, your father made him that way!"
I frowned "his powers subduction too?"
Lucas scrunched up his face "Too? Who else-" he cut himself off and quickly left.
"So that's your thing too?" Drew asked then smirked "I knew it."
Christi frowned slightly "Snow, is everything going to be alright? If you need somewhere to stay you can crash at my place."
I smiled at the sweet boy "No, Lucas won't kick me out Christi."
"How do you know?" Drew asked, suddenly serious "I mean he obviously likes you and I think that's why you got to stay here. What if now he knows that it was just your power and kicks you out?"
I shook my head "Lucas wouldn't do that, he's to nice."
Christi nodded then glanced at Drew "Perhaps we could talk to him before we leave to make sure everything is okay?"
I smiled "Guys, you don't have to and I know that Drew hates Lucas so I'm certainly not going to force you guys to."
Drew smiled slightly "What else is family for if not to protect each other?"
Christi smiled at Drew "Good, it's decided then."

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