Chapter 5

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Lux's P.O.V

I sat in bed for a while, after I had said goodnight to Carl. I shouldn't have hugged him. Hell I shouldn't have even said thank you. Maybe I should have I don't know... I've known him for less than 24 hours and he's managed to tear down every single wall I had put up around me.

I shook my head in frustration and picked up my stuffed elephant. I've had him since forever. Back when mum and dad were together, we used to go to this toy store every Sunday after tea at grandmums. Hamleys ,I think its name was. Well anyways one Sunday I saw this little stuffed elephant. He had blue spots and green fluff everywhere. When my mum said I couldn't have it I threw a fight and started screaming. I wouldn't stop screaming until my dad eventually went back in and bought it for me. I've had it ever since. His name was foot.

But I think Carl was right. I was too old to be sleeping with him. I just couldn't let him go. I guess some part of me thought that if I got rid of him, I would forget about my family.

Sighing, I stuffed foot under my pillow, then I got up. I looked over to Carl. He was sprawled all over his bed and his mouth was slightly open. I could hear his soft snores. I couldn't stop myself from thinking how adorable he looked. I punched myself inwardly and turned away from him. I shouldn't be thinking like this.. you never know when a person you care for will be yanked out of your life.

I grabbed my bow off the hook that was attached to the wall and slung my quiver over my shoulder. Then I walked out of the cell and through the door that Carl led me through hours ago.

As the cold outside air hit me I smiled. I never liked indoors much. It just makes me feel trapped. And living in a prison only strengthened my feelings.

I started walking around the gates. The Risen were surrounding the entrance, so I couldn't go out through there. On the far left side there was a little whole at the base of the fence, just big enough to let me get through it. Once I was on the other side of the fence I covered the hole with some thick branches. I didn't want walkers getting inside. After I did that I trudged into the forest. My plan was to hunt. Catch some rabbits or squirrels and I thought that I had seen a badger hole.I found a tall tree and climbed it, sitting on a branch. High enough so that the risen couldn't get me but low enough that I could shoot game without trouble.

I leaned against the thick trunk, thinking about the people that Carl told me about. Daryl seemed nice enough. He reminded me of my Uncle . The way he talked. My uncle had been the one that taught me how to use a bow. After my father had left my Uncle came over frequently. Checking up on me and my mum. I soon considered him my dad. He was always there for me. I had become really good with the bow and he always took me hunting with him when he and his mates would go to Norwich. Thinking about my family brought back sad memories. But I had stopped crying over them a long time ago.

I sat there for a while. Shooting at rabbits and squirrels occasionally. I must have been there for a long time because eventually the sun rose. I had gathered a decent ammount of game by the time I was ready to go in. I had 8 rabbits and 11 squirrels.

Jumping down from the tree, I started walking back to the prison. There were a few of the risen by the hole so I took them down, retrieving the arrows as I shot them. After the area was clear I uncovered the whole and went back through it. There wasn't anyone outside when I got through the hole so I assumed that they were still asleep.

Boy was I wrong.

I walked back into the door and found myself facing an angry rick.

"Where the hell were you?" he exclaimed.

I rose my game and looked at him. "Where the hell does it look like?"

He glared at me "You can't just leave without telling anyone where you're going! You could be dead right now and no one would know! You need to be more careful!"

"Why would you care anyways?" I yelled. "You don't even know me so stop acting like my father! I don't need your worry! You should be worrying about yourself and your children!"

After I finished yelling, I stormed to the table where Beth was sitting with Maggie. I slammed the game down on the table and turned back to Rick.

'Here's some meat for your piece of shit soup." I spat at him.

Then I stormed back to my cell, ignoring Daryls laughter


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