A Steamy Surprise

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**Author's Note: In case anyone is curious, this is the picture I kept referring back to for describing the bathroom: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/71494712808606238/. Also, I know that The Sanctuary doesn't have running water in the show or comics, but hey, in ID world, it does :P**  

Negan's bed was like being atop a cloud, causing you to sleep peacefully and undisturbed until morning. When you woke up, there was sunlight streaming through the large windows, beams of it scattered across the room. It was so comfortable, cuddled up under the sheets with the soft mattress underneath you and even softer pillow caressing your cheek, that it took a while to remember why you should be anything but calm and relaxed.

You were lying in Negan's bed, without pants, and had no idea how many people in the compound knew about you being here. The thoughts caused a small headache to start, and you groaned in frustration. Was it too much to ask, to just lie here peacefully? Apparently so, since your brain was hitting you with all kinds of various questions and concerns.

After last night, and the conversation between the two of you, was it possible that you and Negan were actually on the road to recovery, where your relationship was concerned? Wait...relationship?? Why would you call it that?

You lay there, mulling the word over in your head. Relationship. You weren't sure if it really fit the situation, but then again, this was the apocalypse. And how exactly did one develop a relationship when the dead roamed the earth and every day could possibly be one's last? And how do you develop a relationship with a man who already has five wives?

Your brain was really starting to piss you off, and make your headache worse.

Pushing back the covers, you sat up in the bed, grateful that there was no dizziness or nausea. You actually felt a lot better than you had last night, minus the headache. And the events out in the woods were clearer now, including your fall. You guessed that you had tripped over a branch or log of some sort, and most likely smacked your head off a rock. You remembered fighting off a small herd of walkers, and being exhausted after doing so, due to lack of sleep, lack of food, and overall lack of emotional stability. So, while it might be a hit to your ego, it was really no surprise that you had been so off-kilter as to make a stupid mistake and fall. You were just lucky that the mistake hadn't been a fatal one.

Looking at the sheets, you saw that the note was still lying down by your legs. You picked it up, reading first one side of the note and then the other, before reaching over and laying it on the bedside table to deal with later. Right now, you had more pressing concerns...such as finding pants.

There was a black and grey wall clock, over near the door to the office, that showcased it was almost 9am. Most of the compound was probably already up and at 'em, doing their various tasks. You also would guess that Negan was awake, and possibly gone, but weren't completely sure. There was no noise coming from behind the closed door that led to his office, but that didn't mean he wasn't in there.

Swinging your legs off the side of the bed, you stood up and pulled the large top sheet off the bed. You wrapped the silky, crimson fabric around your waist multiple times, like a makeshift skirt, and walked hesitantly across the soft square carpet towards the door. Your left ankle was a tad sore, probably from where it had caught on the branch, and gave a tiny zing of pain with each step that was annoying but ignorable. When you reached the office door, you slowly opened it a few inches and stuck your head through...and found the room empty.

God damnit, you thought, and closed the door again. Why the hell couldn't Negan have at least had the decency to leave you a pair of pants? He had to have known that you would wake up and feel trapped in here, without any. In fact, you were almost certain he had done this on purpose, either just to be a cocky jerk, or because he didn't want you running off again.

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