VI: Roku

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The area where Shigeru has set up camp is a sea of tents and the roar of men. Everywhere I look, I find another person going about their duties or waiting for battle to start. Flanked by Ryuu and Taro, I make my way towards where I know that Shigeru's tent will be set up.

It's clearly marked by the banner waving outside the door and the fact that it's finer than those that surround it. I shake my head at the sight of it, wondering if he could make himself an easier target to find.

"Junichi!" Lord Aikawa says with a wide smile when our group pushes our way into the tent. "I knew that you would come quickly. My men will appreciate the reinforcements that yours will provide them."

I don't answer right away, taking the moment to study the man before me. Despite the fact that the clan has been upon the battlefield for at least four days, Shigeru shows no sign of the weariness that clearly marked the rest of the men I had passed on my way to his tent. In fact, the nineteen-year-old looks like he just spent a leisurely day at home, dressed in a kimono that is just as lavish as his tent.

"What's the news, Shigeru? How bad is the fighting against Lord Raiden?" I ask, taking a seat before him and raising an eyebrow expectantly.

He strokes his chin, avoiding my gaze. "Well, we haven't really engaged them quite yet. You know how Raiden is. He enjoys a bit of intimidation and challenge before he actually starts the battle. In fact, he's been asking where you're at every day."

Ryuu snorts too quietly for anyone else to hear, and I give him a look before leaning closer to the other. "Why do your men look like they have been dragged across the battlefield then?"

"Every evening the Neji clan issues a challenge to have one of our men fight against one of theirs at the first light of dawn. Least to say, we have not won one yet, and my men are feeling the low morale. However, the tides might be changing now that you are here, Jun. It's no secret that your general trains some of the best samurai in all of Japan."

"Raiden always has enjoyed his mind games," I agree. "Perhaps if you allow my men a day to rest, we will see what we can do about winning on his challenges. After all, we have been traveling hard for the past three days."

"Then I'll allow you to return to your men and make sure that your camp is prepared for the night. You will be able to hear the Neji challenge fine from where you are positioned," Shigeru rises as I do. "Thank you for coming, Junichi. You are always an unimaginable help in these skirmishes with Raiden."

I nod before gesturing for Ryuu and Taro to exit the tent with me. The moment that we are several paces away from Aikawa Shigeru, Taro growls, "I doubt that he would even think about answering one of those challenges himself. The little coward likely pushes forward the first man who dares to volunteer before running back to his traveling palace and hiding."

"He can probably still hear you," I mutter under my breath. "He may be a coward, but no one can accuse Shigeru of not knowing what's going on around him."

"I hope he does," he tells me before spitting back towards where we came. "He deserves to know how we truly feel about him especially if our men are expected to die for him, and he decides to leave them upon the battlefield."

I bite my lip before saying, "We will speak no more of this right now, Taro. Now is neither the time nor the place to discuss your thoughts on Lord Aikawa and his choices."

My men have already made quick work of setting up our own tents, and when one of my retainers hurries to put up my tent, I halt him. "I'll take care of my own lodging. Go get some rest."

He bows and hurries off to do as I say. Ryuu tries to take the tent from me, but I shoot him a look. "Do not treat me as if I am not capable of setting up my own tent, Ryuu. I may be lord of this clan, and we may have this argument every time, but I will not act as if I am above my own men by making others do my work."

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