Chapter 46 (edited)

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Susan took a deep breath, I can do this. Gazing at the Arabic alphabets on the small Du'aa (supplication) book, Susan tightened her hold on it as she stood in the direction of the Qiblah. A shiver went down her spine and goose bumps rose the tiny hair on her arm under the long sleeve dress she was wearing. She raised her arms, hands palms facing forward and slight above her shoulders, she murmured,

"Allah – o – Akbar" (Allah is the greatest).

An arm curved over her chest while the other hand held the small book in front of her as she recited the first surah (chapter) of Quran in the Salah (obligatory prayer). It had been three days since she had reverted to Islam. She was still getting a hang of praying the daily five salah. The difficult part was the pronunciation of Arabic words. The foreign language was very new to her, much different than her native English language. She was far away from learning the verses but she was still putting all her efforts in reciting. She was praying all her daily prayers but it was taking much longer. Ideally, a Muslim is to memorize all the supplications and surah that are recited in the Quran but she was still a beginner. It was all so overwhelming but she never gave up.

As days passed by, she learned why the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) had remarked that coolness of the eyes lies in the prayer. Every time she went down to prostration, her heart would weep and her eyes moistened. She truly believed Allah was listening to her. With every prayer, her belief strengthened that Allah was there for her.

"... We are nearer to him than his jugular vein," [Quran 50: 16].

Indeed, Allah knew what was hidden in the heart. The peace she had been seeking was finally manifested. Her feelings for present and future were slowly transforming. Because now she had Tawaqal Allah (putting trust in Allah).

"And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him." [Quran 65:3].

As she completed her salah and lifted her hands in supplication, her heart knew the Lord of the Worlds was there to protect her and listen to her pleas. Tears escaped, hands raised, heart crying, lips moving, her soul was at sheer peace as she asked the One who would always listen to her.

"Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying,).[] I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless Favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me." [Quran 2: 152].

She may be alone in this world. No one to turn to. But for a believer, her Lord was sufficient.

"...verily, Allâh is with the believers." [Quran 8:19].


In the darkened apartment, Daud lay on his side curled under the duvet. His was throbbing in fervid pain. It hurt immensely. But the sweet memory of seeing Salman suffer was sufficient enough for Daud to smile even in his suffering. The pain killers weren't enough for his pain to numb. Sleep was impossible. He was indecisive whether to take sleeping pills so he can rest well. The last few days had gone in agony as the wounds hadn't healed as fast as he expected them to.

In the silent bleak house, he heard footsteps. His eyes opened in alert staring at the bedroom door. The door knob slowly twisted, the person he least expected was standing in front of him. His mother. He shut his eyes tightly. He had no energy to talk to anyone especially answer his mother's inquisitions.

But Chloe wasn't here for answers. She knew it all. Adil had made sure Ibrahim was well aware of his son's deeds. The news had left Ibrahim and Chloe flabbergasted. It was hard to digest the fact that their son had taken grave measures all for the sake of revenge. The mess that Daud had created was no secret anymore. She closed the gap between herself and the bed.

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