Hai, We're Back!!

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Hey  (Readers), We're back. We kind of took a break because of Christmas and all. We had to spend time with our families/relatives and hang-out and talk. We will try to start up again and write more often. I couldn't get on wattpad and read or write till Christmas was over. Tobi couldn't either. Our parents don't like that we're always on our phones and computer and etc. So they took the computers away and told us that when we are around family not to be on our phones because they said if we did get on our phones that we were in trouble. We try to write more about us and etc.

Me and Tobi were talking over the holidays and we decided that we wanted to change our nicknames. We are changing to some of the YOI(Yuri On Ice!) Character names.
Kaneki is changing to Viktor.
Tobi will be JJ Tryed to talk her into Yuri(Japanese) but she said No. :(

Today we went back to school and it was boring and lame. Yurio and finally have one class together but I'm trying to see I f can change my schedule.

JJ - Hai, Guys I love you all <3 <3

Viktor - Heyo, My lovely fans how are you guys doing? I miss ice skating! But I have to train Yuuri into being the best he can be!! <3 <3

JJ - Hallo Viktor

Viktor -  Здравствуйте JJ!

WE MADE THE FRONT COVER OF A MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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