Thank You for Being a Friend

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Sirius opened his eyes and breathed in deeply and looked to his right to the empty side of the bed and smiled...he wished that she were next to him as was the norm now...but tradition demanded the separation. He rolled over and felt the thick carpeting beneath his feet and he scrunched his toes into it. He rose from the bed and stretched, his arms bent at his shoulders and he bent at his knees and he hollered a hoot at the top of his lungs...he was was his wedding day! He heard a knock at the door and then the door knob turned and he saw James' face peek in at him, waving an opened champagne bottle. "Oi Sirius! You're awake finally!"

Sirius grinned as he nodded, greeting his best friend in nothing but his birthday suit.

"Put something on, ya sod! Everyone's waiting for's a beautiful morning so we're going to have breakfast outside." He held the bottle out to his friend. "It was Lily's idea!"

"Ohhh...Mother's going to just love that!" Sirius took a long couple of sips at the bottle only for it to fizz from the bottle and the sides of his mouth causing him to laugh. "Outside? Really!"

James nodded his head and laughed along with him. "Yeah!" He approached Sirius as he held out his house coat for him. "I figured that if you needed to, that you could transform into Padfoot and burn of some of that energy by running around the estate like an idiot!"

Sirius laughed aloud, unashamedly as he reached for his housecoat and Remus peeked in and entered the room as well as Peter. They had bottles of champagne as well...only Remus was carrying two.

"Hey, are you getting a shower before or after breakfast," Remus asked staring at an unashamedly naked Sirius.

"Well said everyone's outside already? I suppose I should get dressed and greet my guests then?"

"You should get a shower first...get rid of that bedhead of yours," Peter said.

"But that takes time Pete," Sirius whined.

James looked to the other two and nodded. "Well, are we the Marauders or not? We should help our mate out!" He took the extra bottle from Remus and shook it and pointed it at Sirius, causing him to yelp and then when Remus and Peter shook their bottles and sprayed the contents of their bottles at him; Sirius could only close his eyes and lower his head and take it.

When Sirius no longer felt the spray of the cold liquid, he opened his eyes and looked down at his body, the puddle at his feet and then the room. "Oh! Liesel's gonna kill you three! She is fanatical about this carpet! Oh well, I might as well join you! All for one!"

"And one for all," the other three men shouted as Sirius shook his bottle and retaliated, spraying all three at once with a silent spell of never-ending liquid. Finally when the three young men were as saturated as he was, he whispered, "Finite Incantatum." He grinned and looked at his handiwork and nodded his head, smiling brightly.

James removed his glasses and retrieved a handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers and cleaned the lenses as he laughed. "You understand that we had to get you just one last time?"

Sirius nodded as he grinned. "I expected no less from you three! I reckon I really do need that shower now, huh?"

Remus laughed as he nodded. "Misses Jones laid out your day-clothes in the bath already." Sirius nodded. "See ya in a bit! I'm going to floo the Moody's and let them know that you're awake and up. You know how she is..."

Sirius nodded. "I do, yes! Thanks mate!"

A half hour later, Sirius emerged from the hot shower and waved his hand before the mirror, magically removing the steam from the large looking glass and examined his face for unwanted beard growth. He decided to go with a clean-shaven and short hair so he cast a glamour spell and ran his fingers through his thick but much shortened hair. He brushed his teeth and donned the clothing that Misses Jones had laid out for him. Once dressed, he trotted down the stairs to find Lily at the counter, her belly already just a bit swollen and he snuck up on her and wrapped his arms around her from the back and kissed her cheek causing her to yelp. James entered the kitchen from the rear garden and he folded his arms over his chest and raised his brow.

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