how I met her

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shard's P.O.V.

I can't believe im here how did I get here anyways, I wonder. My gaze met zeref's when hmy thought finished " yes I know why im here its because im a demon dragon slayer I ca only think that as a reason " she said not looking at him backing away from the door in the mddle of the cell. " you are some what right child, I will be getting you some company tonight that you can, what do you call it.....Fuse your magic with her" ( btw shard is a girl )
Zeref moved away from the cell and went somewhere else along way from here magnolia.....

Nashi's P.O.V.

After dinner I clean the dishes " hey im going on a walk ok dad? "  you said putting on your jacket knowin he would say " sure why not " so you walked out even without jake cause he went out with his secret girl freind.  I make my way past the sabre tooth guild and thought I saw something or someone in the distance so I walked towars it ( so stupid I would run ) you see an emotionless man behind some tree's next to a rock. Before I knew it I got knocked out cold in a heartbeat.

Natsu 's P.O.V.

" nashi has been gone for an hour or so im a little worried " he said looking EVERYWHERE in the house. "  jake is gone to but he said he went on a job....Thats it nashi must be at the guild ". I run tere to see no one not even guild master makarov.

Shard's P.O.V.

Zeref came back and threw a girl in the cell she had pink hair and was knocked out cold. I growled at zeref and said " you heartless monster "

how I fell in love with nashi dragneelWhere stories live. Discover now