Right at the end

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It struck the core of my very body and thought about it, Part 2 as you guys requested will be up for the public in January 9 2017, I want to make some more special chapters and do the lemon for once in my life, there will be also a new fanfic after this mess be alert for that and maybe a sneak peak about the next book by December 24, 2016 (christmas Eve).

Notes for part two :
•There will be Lloyd, Zane, Cole, and Kai
•Jay is still in debate wether or not will be included
•Request will also be taken in both respective books
•Readers may be included with their usernames or maybe nicknames to show my love to you guys.
•If requested so much Part 2 will be updated earlier in December.

Thank you so much for the support I really appreciate it and best wishes will be updated as soon as possible.

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