More Than Enough

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POV - Landon

Warnings: Rejection, Sadness

-Begin Chapter-

I sighed as I ended the final recording I needed to do before heading off to Australia with Lachlan. I was so thankful that Preston is having his editors edit them for me so I can concentrate on getting read to go.

I was gonna be sad when he has to let them go, unless they wanted to move to England with him I guess. I wish I could keep at least one of them myself, it was so nice to not worry about having to record and edit. Maybe if my channel gets bigger I can hire one of them back one day.

I know Preston was talking about doing another office setup there just like this one. I know how he likes to keep his living space and his working space separated, that way he actually works.

I got up from my desk chair and stretched, feeling the bones pop in my body. I then went and walked out of my recording room, heading for the one Lachlan was using. I noticed that the door way open so I just walked right in. I could see that Lachlan was skyping a very excited looking Vikk.

"Hey Landon!" Vikk called out after noticing me.

"Hey Vikk." I said moving to stand next to Lachlan. My tall, blonde boyfriend wasn't having that though and instead turned his chair and reached out, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me into his lap before turning back around to look at the screen.

Vikk laughed at us while I blushed heavily.

"Awe! So cute!" cooed out Vikk, smiling widely.

"Yes he is." said Lachlan, leaning to kiss my forehead, causing me to get even more red.

Vikk laughed again and I turned to look at him. Vikk's eyes were bright with happiness and his features showed it as well. I have never really even seen Vikke except in pictures a few random Skype calls, but I could tell that he was happier than he probably ever has been in his entire life.

"So, you were saying Vikk." said Lachlan, readjusting so I was across his lap, his arms around my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck, my head leaning against his.

"Oh yeah! So we found our house and it is amazing! It is so big and everything! It has this special separate area that is basically a 1 bedroom flat so if people came to visit, like you and Landon, then you would be able to have your own space!"

"That's really cool!" I said, excited for the idea of going to England and visiting Vikk and the other Sidemen.

"Yes! Also it has a building in the backyard with an indoor pool in it!"

"That's so awesome!" cried out Lachlan. "Man, you guys really scored,didn't you?"

"Yeah, we got lucky. We already got in contact with the banks and stuff. We should have all the paperwork signed and done by the end of the week next week. Then we are planning a dinner for all of our families at the new house since the soon to be previous owners are going to let us keep all of the furniture."

"That's cool, are you guys going to be celebrating the house or something?" asked Lachlan.

"Yeah and we are going to come out to our families as well about our relationship. We all decided its time since we are getting a house together."

I immediately felt sick to my stomach and I turned my body so I could cuddle into Lachlan's arms more, seeking the safety and security that he provides me.

I could feel the pain that bubbled up whenever I thought about my parents and how they reacted when I came out to them. It hurt so much to think about how they disowned me and told me to never show my face around them ever again. They told me they hated me. At least Lachlan was there for me, him and Preston. I don't think I would have made it without them.

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