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I frowned at the guy who sat in front of me.
"What?" Nick asked, sounding all innocent "You act like I did something wrong. I didn't even tell anyone that your friend hit me."
I rolled my eyes "why are you sitting with me?" I groaned.
He smiled "You're the only one I know in this class."
I groaned "look, I don't feel like dealing with any bull okay?"
He smirked "I don't start anything, I didn't even touch your friend when he started a fight."
I frowned "So what do you want? A high five?"
Nick smiled slightly "Perhaps" he joked.
I rolled my eyes "Of course you do."
He smiled "So, I should tell you that I have know Lucas for a while."
I narrowed my eyes "You're lying."
Nick shrugged "Believe what you want doll, but there's a reason I'm here now."
I sighed "not that I believe you but what reason would you have to be here?"
"Well Sebastian spoke fondly of you then he mentioned Lucas to me, I didn't realize that you guys already had an angel with you. I mean I don't really get who Sebastian wanted me then." Nick said slowly "But he mentioned that one of his brothers here told him about using the full wing for your father. So I decided to investigate. I mean, why not? You already have Lucas for the feathers so I'm useless."
I froze "What brother?" I growled.
Nick smirked "I thought you didn't believe me?"
"Tell me what brother" I growled.
Nick sighed "Well, I'm not sure. I thought maybe the angel's cousin but he seems to be loyal. How many other brothers do you know?"

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