Chapter 3

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(A/N) I want to dedicate this chapter to ForeverHeartsx. I thought this would be nice because she dedicated something to me! Go read her book It's Just Me and You and the sequel Don't Change( Sequel to It's Just Me and You). I'm In love with that book! MUCH LOVE <3 BTW people POV switch alot in this story

Jacob's POV

She will have the time of her life. I don't know why she's playing hard to get. I know she loves me and can't wait to get with this. Who wouldn't? I love the confidence in her and her style and she just GORGEOUS! I was just thinking about her in my head until the bell to go home rang. I went to find her. i wanted our date to be tonight. She can't say no, if she does i got a surprise that will make her come. I got her all wrapped around my finger.

Angel's POV

I grabbed my books put it in my locker. Then i got my bag to go home. I was trying not to be seen Princeton. I told Stace what happened in History and she just kept asking questions and telling me about him. Oh trust me I don't think he wants this.

"I'm telling you Ang! He just gets with the girl to get some and leaves" Stace said. Wow everybody is calling me Ang! I guess that's my new nickname. But why is Stace calling me Ang all of a sudden? We've known each since 7 grade and she didn't call me ang. You know what WHATEVER! thats my new nickname

"STACE FOR THE LAST TIME I DON'T LIKE HIM! I only said yes to the date because 1 i want to get to know him. 2 He does not like me. And besides if he only gets with a girl to bang and ditch why is he still with Tori"

"I don't know! But trust me Ang." she said in a worried kind of look

" Anyways let's just change the topic. Well wanna hang out at my place for a while?"

"sure. Wait don't you have that 'date' today" she said emphasizing date

"Stace it's not really a date, just 2 friends hanging"

"But you called it a date earlier"

"No i didn't"

"Yes you did" Stace said. UGH DE JA VU! Same conversation with me and prince in the hallway. When he kissed me. I'll admit i enjoyed the kiss at first but i couldn't, Tori was my friend and that would be wrong.

"Whatever Stace you have no proof!" I said a bit angry 

"Ok but-" I interrupted her

"LET'S just go to my house please" I said screaming a bit then calming down. We stepped out of the school then i heard a familiar voice scream my name. I turned around to see princeton running to me. Maybe he finally wanted to tell me when and where this 'hang out' is gonna happen. "Yes Prince?" I saw Stace rolling her eyes and walking to the car

"I'll be in the car Ang" I nodded and looked at Princeton

"So did you call me to show your breathing skills? Like speak" I said. I saw him smirked. AHH YES the famous smirk.

"I see you got smart comments" He replied then chuckled. "I wanted to talk to you about our da-"

"PLEASE don't call it that. It's not a date It's a hang out. A couple of friends hanging out. There is no date. NO kissiness and stuff like that... kay?" I interrupted and gave him a fake smile.

"Ok fiesty little girl" I rolled my eyes. " Well the hang out will be at my house tonight at 8" i interrupted him again. I could tell he was annoyed... YES! By the way he emphasized when he said hang out.

"Don't you have a girlfriend who you should be cuddling with and kissing at 8. Cause that seems like you"

Jacob's POV

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