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I'm loosing it out here, I'm giving up hope, I'm giving up on my faith .
Giving up on my humanity.

There is no hope anymore, not when you've lost eveything.

Carl, Rick, Judith, Maggie, Daryl.

They're all gone.

I don't even know who I am anymore, or where I am.

Endless roads of dirt and gravel.

Endless herds of walkers.

They're never ending.

The worlds trying to die, maybe it's a sign that I should too.

All I have left is myself, my katana and Rick's colt python.

I lifted up the gun and placed the barrel onto the side of my head, closing my eyes shut tight.

"Don't" Somebody said.

I opened my eyes.
There stood a man with dirty blonde hair, wearing black armour.

"Don't" He repeated.

"Why?" I question.

"What is there left to live for?" I spat.
He walked close to me
"Lots of things are worth living for." He said.

I moved the gun away from my head and aimed it at him.
He lifted his arms up in surrender.
"I come in peace, my names Benjamin. I have a camp close by."he said.

I squinted at him.

"How far?" I asked.
"It's about two miles away, you can come back with me. It's called 'The Kingdom'." He stuttered, clearly nervous.

I thought for a moment, maybe I should go.
Maybe I can regain my sanity there.

But we're all insane in the apocalypse.

"Fine, I'll come with you. But you try anything, ANYTHING and I will kill you." I threatened.

He just nodded and began walking.


At the Kingdom.

There I stood in front of a dark man with grey dreadlocks, who was sat in a throne with a tiger stood next to him.

"Hi, I'm King Ezekiel."

This place is a damn circus.

"Michonne." I said
"Ah, Michonne. An unusual name."

"Yeah well its not everyday you meet somebody named King Ezekiel either." I sassed.
"Fair play." He chuckled.

Strange, strange man.

"So how long have you been out there Michonne?" He asked with his British accent.

"I don't know, maybe two months." I said.
"Please have some fruit Michonne .Jerry, get her the bowl." He said.

The man named 'Jerry' walked down with a bowl of fruit.

"Those bananas look a peeling." Jerry joked (Okay jerry is my queen)

I just shook my head "No thank you."

"Very well."

Suddenly, a man ran through the doors of the theatre.

"Your majesty, Jesus is here." The man said.

What is it with all these names?

First King Ezekiel, now Jesus?

A man with long brown hair, a long beard came walking in wearing a hat and a long leather jacket.
"Ah, Jesus. My good man, how are you?" Ezekiel asked.
"Not so great, I have some people here to see you" Jesus said.
Jerry walked off of the stage and down to the doors and in behind him walked - Rick.

My jaw dropped and my eyes almost popped out of their socket's.
A smile crept onto my face.
Rick saw me and suddenly broke down, a huge grin forming and tears in his eyes.
We ran towards each other and embraced each other into a tight hug.
I cried into his shoulder as he held me, doing the same thing.
He pulled away and cupped my cheeks with his hands.
"It's really you."He whispered
I nodded
"I love you so much " He said
"I love you too."
I walked away from Rick and there stood Daryl, Abraham, Rosita, Tara, Sasha and Carol.
I ran over and gave each of them a hug.
"Glenn?Carl?Enid? Where are they?" I asked turning to Rick.
"That's what we're here to talk about" Sasha said.

Thank god I didn't pull that trigger.

Michonne's back bitches.
She's alive
You guys didn't think I forgot about her did you?
I wasn't going to add The Kingdom into the story, but I just decided for the plot to work I needed to.
Guess where we're heading?
I also added some Richonne in there because they're otp and why not?

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