The little girl

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Emma's P.O.V
The little girl looked a lot like Alison, but she looked like the King too, she had long dark black hair and blue eyes, she looked like she was at the age of 6 "yes honey, your mommy is here" she said and bent down "come Alicia" she said and carried her "how old is your daughter??" I asked "she is six years" she smiled at me "how long have you been together with the king and how old are you again??" I looked at her "I have been together with the king in 12 years and got this one 6 years ago and I  disappeared 3 years ago and came back the day you guys came back" she smiled "Ali?? Are you in here?" Ariel came in "oh, hi Emma" she smiled "Ali, Killian want to ask you something" Ariel smiled "okay, see you tomorrow Emma" Alison said and walked out with Alicia "I have a question Emma" Ariel said "okay" I said "are you pregnant?? Cause you are glowing " she smiled "yeah, I'm pregnant " I said and smiled , she smiled back "but I got to go, see you tomorrow Emma" she smiled and closed the door after her

Robins P.O.V
When I woke up I took on the clothes I borrowed, when we got to the dining hall we had to stand up with the seat "let us smile to King Arthur Jones Stone, Queen Alison Jones Stone and princess Alicia Julia Jones Stone and Sir Killian Jones and Lady Ariel Jones " a guard said as they sat down "let us eat for the first time in a long time with my Queen and my brother in law " the king said and smiled to Alison and i roller my eyes, we sat down and Regina kept looking at me "what??" I asked "oh nothing " she said and smiled I narrowed my eyes and then I looked at Alison, she looked beautiful as always and I wanted to kiss her so bad, Arthur whispered something into her ear and then she smiled at him, Alison looked at David and then she went up and so did David, they walked outside, "Belle??" Emma asked and belle Turned around "how do you know my name??" She asked "because you are my friend" Emma said " I'm sorry but I know everyone but you guys" she turned around, after a few weeks the same man that was there the first day stood there "you still believe in them??" He looked at us "yeah and who are you??" I asked "I'm the one that is going to help them" he said and Alison and Killian came "yeah??" They said and then he took a dream catcher up and they looked at their hands "no" Killian said "what is it honey??" Ariel asked "no stay away from us" Alison said and then a monster came behind us and they used magic "no" Alison cried and Arthur held around her "hey love it's going to be fine" he said as she cried in his arms, Ariel hugged Killian "we are going to destroy the darkness once and for all" Killian said and nodded to Alison, they got a lot of dark magic in a sword and Belle and David had to kill them, when they did it Belle fell on Killian crying  and David felt to his knees holding Alison tight "I'm so sorry" he said  crying and then magic went through them and they remember us, Arthur took Alison in his arms and Ariel took Killian in hers, suddenly the two other Killian and Alison came "we know where they are" they said and disappeared again, then a light bubble came and we saw them walking with a man "now it's time to take you where you belong "he said and then he stopped, Alison and Killian held hands and walked to the very light place , then Alison and Killian smiled, Arthur kissed her forehead "I know that I wasn't really married to you but I do care about you a lot and Alicia is still here and the reason she looked like you Is because I was married to Erica Sea Jones that looked just like you and I loved her with all of my heart and I will never see her again, I'm sorry if I ruined your life Ali, may we meet soon" he said taking his forehead to hers, then I sat down to her "hi my love, I will always love you no matter what you have done" I kissed her and then I carried her up and David helped Emma carry Killian we walked through a portal and came back home, when we where gonna burn them Alison showed up back the fire place and the dead body disappeared "Alison???" I smiled and she ran and kissed me, then Killian came and Emma ran to kiss him

Third person P.O.V
What they didn't know was that someone else is waking up to and they were searching for revenge.

Writer P.O.V
I may or may not continue this story but that happens, I will make other story's doh, see you later my dears!!❤️❤️

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