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I felt the stretching sensation as I apparated to the Ministry of Magic. Sometimes I would look at my skin to check if my skin was turning into rubber. Ridiculous. I know.

I walked pass wizards and witches. Some even greeted me.

"Yo Gilbert!" One black Auror called. He was wearing a very smart dark blue suit with files in his grip.

"Hey Morgan..." Smiling, I waved back and continued walking.

"Hello Miss Gilbert!" a white old woman who has her hair in a bun greeted me. I nodded my head and smile. Her long flowery white skirt sway gently as she walked.

"Hey Mudblood!" I sighed as I heard the brat's voice. Everyone knows who that was. I tried to ignore him but he, being persistent chased after me and grabbed my arm. "Hey! I'm talking to you." he said with a little annoyance.

Sighed. "I have to go. I got to meet Mr. Fudge." I shrugged my arm off him and continued walking but he stopped me once more. By then, his face were slightly pinkish, jaw clenched.

"Look! I tried to be nice and asked you out. But you kept rejecting me! Why Mudblood?! I'm the richest man here. Plenty of money to flaunt." he folded his arm.

"Gee.. I wonder why, Malfoy. Why don't you flaunt that money else where. Maybe to an orphanage" sarcastically, I answered. Was he so blind? Does he ever think before he speaks? Why couldn't he see that if you like someone, you don't call them names.

"What?! is it because I called you Mudblood? Why would the heck I give my money to them. Ask them to work for it, "Draco added.  Are you THAT stupid? "But I thought you never mind that. After all, you always answered me when I call you that."

"I mind. A lot, Draco Malfoy. Are you that darf? or..Would you want me to call you 'shit face'? "I rolled my eyes.

His expression changed to the worst.

"Go tell your father. That's what you always do, "I smirked and then left. Every call he made were ignored.

When I was in Fudge's office, I noticed Hermione and Harry were there. As usual, I hugged both of them and sat next to Hermione, waiting for the boss to start instructing.

There was a loud sigh as he entered his office. Our eyes moved towards him. His dressing was alright as always. He marched to his desk with thick files in his arm.


We jolted with the sudden loud sound. He picked the files one by one.

"Alright, Potter, Granger , Gilbert. I have assignments for each of you. Potter, I need you to catch Thorfinn Rowle, the death eater. The last place he was seen was the forest of Eldora. Granger, you are to catch Barty Crouch Jr. He was last seen in the dark alley of Diagon alley. Well, 15 minutes ago. And you Gilbert, You will catch Scabior, the womanizer snatcher. We are told he was going to the Muggle Club in London, hmmm 'ACE'. The club name is ACE. Alright. Any question? No? Then that is all I have to say. Good Luck Ladies and Gent." With that, he left.

"Wow.. why Scabior? it's like sending me to the Lions. Scabior hates muggle-borns." I said. I remembered how he hurt a muggle-born in a dark alley.

"Yes... well at least he don't know how you looked like."Harry commented. I thought for a moment.

"Hmm Emma, you might want to dress up a little... sluttier," Hermione laughed. Harry kept his mouth shut cause he knew I would give him the 'shut up' look and a smack on the back of his head. I gave a sarcastic smile to Harry.

I sighed. "ok.. you know what, I better get back to the motel to get slutty." when I thought of what I had said, I laughed.

I walked out from the office to my desk with a heavy heart. I still had to write a report every time I catch a bastard. Like I wanted some attention, there I saw Draco sitting on my chair and looking at me. "What? Can you just leave?" I asked, eye narrowed.

Draco stood up from my sit and stood closed to me with his hands holding mine. "I'm sorry.. You didn't tell me that you hate it when I call you... THAT. How can I misread it," he said. It sounded genuine. I did not know what else I want to tell him so I kept quiet and stare at him. "erm.. i heard you are assigned to Scabior."

"Whoa. How do you know?" I asked, curious. "I mean, I just knew and you knew too."

"I work along side Fudge, Emma. I know.." he smiled. I sighed and nodded my head. I just thought, my life could get better but the world say NO BITCH! I had to meet Jeremy in an hour and a half and I still have not dressed up like a slut to catch Scabior.

"I have to go..." I said as I took my notebook from the drawer and locked it. I drew my wand and did a quick flick. Quickly, things on my table moved to their original place. I opened my yellow sling back and allowed my notebook, pen phone to drive in.

"Emma, " Draco called, "Be careful."

"I'll be fine.Thanks" I said and apparated back to the motel.

Emma Gilbert - Harry Potter + Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now