F o r t y E i g h t

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  F O R T Y  E  I  G  H  T  

「   F  O  R  T  Y  E  I  G  H  T   」

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Scarlett stood looking down at Griggs and a few other of his fellow men. Her bloodied knuckles cradled in her free hand as she began to feel the familiar burning pulse of her blood rushing to the surface of her skin. Griggs looked up at her with his bloodied chin still dribbling disgustingly into the concrete of the floor. Johnny reached out to pull Scarlett from the room as Joker stifled out his dry laugh. Amusement burning in those menacing eyes of his, his palms clutched tightly around the shock pads that both father and daughter where oh so familiar with.

"I warned you the last time we met." Joker growled standing behind Griggs his ringed fingers grasping tufts of Griggs brown hair yanking his head back in an unnatural fashion, tilting his face up towards him. " What happens when you cross me." His free hand squeezing either side of Griggs cheeks, nails embedding themselves into his flesh. Scarlett cold eyes staring down at him as Griggs began to bargain for his life. " I didn't cross you man I swear." Griggs pleaded his eyes shooting over to her. "Tell him Scarlett!" He pleaded frantically. " I never hurt you. I never laid a finger on you—." Griggs choking on his words as Joker squeezed his mouth until it shut. Scarlett emotionless stare bore into Griggs pleading eyes as he felt the cold metal of a blade touch his neck. "Please man—." Beads is sweat rolling down his temple as he trembled. Eyes wide, Adam's Apple bopping to and throw as he feared for his life. Now he was having a dose of his own medicine Scarlett thought. He was feeling what he'd forced her to go through. And that almost made her happy.
Scarlett held up her hand stepping closer to him, her lips pursed into a calculated pout. "He doesn't deserve a clean death."She spoke catching jokers peaked interest. " None of them do." Her eyes wandering down the line of men whimpering away from their menacing stares. Each one of them familiar to her. The one who was kind. The one who was but a sheep. The one who beat her for her defiance, for his own amusement at times ;Kelvin. Joker licked his lips hungrily as he released Griggs from his grip. His predatory nature being disguised by his elegant strides he took towards Scarlett. His tattooed hand cupping Scarlett cheek as she stared anywhere but him. That inked smile covering her mouth as he laughed. " This my sweet sweet Scarlett." Joker mused stroking Scarletts cheeks running his fingers through her hair " is going to be beautiful." His finger tapping the top of her nose as his silver toothed smile stretched across his face. "Johnny." He called sternly  "yes sir." Johnny said obediently. " Get the cars ready. We're going out for some target practise. You know what to do." Jokers ringed fingers reaching for his coat before scurrying back beside Scarlett. Johnny already calling for a few henchmen to get ready. A few stepping through the door grabbing the beaten men from the floor. " Grab your coat Darlin'." He cheered merrily gliding around the room grasping any gun he could find arming himself heavily. " We're going to have some fun." His hand tapping her cheek before rushing out the door.

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