» the death row inmate » taken

240 5 62

» song

Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace

» name

Arnie Gilligan

» nickname


» age


» gender


» sexual orientation

Asexual/Demiromantic seke

» species


» personality

Arnie is mentally challenged. He isn't the smartest and he tends to forget things almost immediately, unless they're important to him. So most times he even forgets things he himself has said or done. This male is also a tad bit crazy, or not right, and uncontrollable. He has anger issues and tends to take his pain out on other people without meaning to. Most of the time he's not aware of what he's doing. Arnie is emotionally unstable. He is usually seen as nervous and twitchy and most view him as shy. He isolates himself from others, he's quiet, and he chooses not to stand out. He also has low self confidence and a low self-esteem. Arnie likes being in control when he can be because he is weak. This male is the kind of person who'll either break down and cry when he's upset or do something rash. Those are the two responses he has when angry. Arnie wouldn't have turned out how he is of he had been raised in a better home. The way he was rose is why he is who he is. He tends to be childish and dependent because he's never been treated right by his parents.

» likes

Being in control, being complimented, attention though he'd never ask for any because he's too shy, feeling important, being talked to, feeling like he has friends, coloring, apple juice or cider, his home, the color purple, reading, music, and his lawyer.

» dislikes

Feeling weak, feeling unimportant, hurting people, jail, handcuffs, his parents, when his lawyer is too busy to talk to him, the chirping of crickets, being made fun of, breaking down, crying, the smell of cigarette smoke, chocolate, talking, standing out, and being touched.

» other

Arnie was raised by an abusive woman and an alcohol addicted man. Neither of them cared for him or loved him. They were always yelling and fighting. He hated getting hurt by them. When he was 18, he moved out and found a place to live. Arnie lives all by himself in a tiny abandoned store and he loves that place. He is on death row because he's killed five people. One teenage girl, one little girl, one elderly woman, and two teenage boys. He killed them with a knife in one night. They were random and he was angry. All of the victims were found with slit throats. Arnie wasn't hard to find and the police sent him to jail. That's where [Y/C] comes in.

» scenario/requirements

[Y/C] is a lawyer for people who are put on death row. His newest client was a young man named Arnie who murdered five people in one day. He was shocked at how one person could do that much damage. When [Y/C] met Arnie, he was 20 years old. He tried his hardest to win the case so the boy wouldn't have to get the death penalty, but... in the end it was no use. After four years of trying, it was over for him. People wanted him killed; people wanted him dead. It's what he deserved for ending the lives of innocent people. [Y/C] didn't disagree. He was found guilty and he needed to be punished but [Y/C] didn't want the punishment to be death. Arnie had one week to live and he would be killed by lethal injection.

It had been six days. It was the seventh day; Arnie's last day. [Y/C] went to the inmates cell and sat inside with him two hours before the killing was supposed to happen. Arnie was playing with his fingers and grumbling under his breath when the other entered. The lawyer sat down and the other was instantly happy. The two talked until it was time. A couple of officers came to his cell, handcuffed him, and started taking him to the room where he would be killed. One officer asked if [Y/C] was going to come with him....

- 26+
- Human
- Death row lawyer
- Seke
- Nice, calm type
- Descriptive! I'm tired of people who don't follow that rule :(
- Don't try breaking him out unless he's about to die!

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