Following - Where are we?

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"Now, where did she go...?" Erza questioned, pushing herself flat against a faded, maroon, brick wall.
"That way!" Natsu whisper-shouted, pointing in the direction of East.
"Let's go!" Gray added, slowly pulling himself off of the dark wall and jogging across the lush green field.
"Guys! Wait up!" An annoying and tired voice panted, coming from the blonde Mage of the team.
"There you are Luigi! I was wondering where you were!" The pinkette smiled lopsidedly.
"Shut up!" Erza hissed, before following Gray East.
The group of mages continued to pursue the Chaos Dragon Slayer, crossing through fields of colourful wild flowers, a cold, damp forest that had dark oak trees only slightly shielding them from the sudden onslaught of rain that hit the dingy woodland, that eventually opened up into a large, bustling town, that was full of joyful people and tall could grey buildings.
Even though they had passed through all of these different places, the brown haired individual still journeyed on, without breaking a sweat. Unfortunately, this couldn't be said about the group that was merely observing this Mage.
"How long is this going to take?" The blonde wizard whined, panting for breath and stopping yet again, for the 5th time.
"Come on Luce! It can't take much longer!" Natsu replied, turing around slightly, flashing his trademark grin to his friends.
"Come on guys! We're going to loose sight of her at this rate!" Erza stated, clearly eager to get moving again.
"I think Happy should carry you." The only ice Mage of the party suggested. "That means we don't have to keep stopping. "
"WHY ME? Lucy's heavy!" Happy cried, obviously not in favour of Gray's idea. "Why don't you summon one of your spirits to carry you or something?"
"Let's go!" Erza urged, already moving again.
"I'll carry you then!" Natsu said, grabbing Lucy and balancing her on his shoulders.
"Race you to Erza!" He challenged his rival, while already sprinting to catch up to the re-quip Mage.
"HEY! That's not fair!"

The mages soon reached another forest, although this one was darker than the other one. It wasn't just the appearance of the forest making it dark, the whole aura it was giving off was almost sinister.
"What's up with this place?" Lucy questioned, having already gotten off of of the pinkette's tan shoulders. "It's really scary..." she added, hiding behind Erza, shivering slightly.
"Let's go."
The group, once again, proceeded to follow the dragon slayer.

The trees were thick and a black rose colour. They were so tall that they looked like they almost met the spaced-out clouds with the wide, army green leaves, shielding them from the bright sun, apart from the few stray rays. They walked fast, eager to get out of the forest, even if some of them weren't showing it.
"Why are you following me?" A cold voice spoke from behind them, causing the mages to jump in surprise.
"Following you? What do you mean? We're just taking a still through this... this... uh... beautiful forest!" Natsu improvised, Lucy nodding in agreement, whilst clutching onto his arm.
"You were taking a stroll across Forbidia?"
"Uh... Yeah! How did you know?" Natsu replied, rubbing the back of his head with his large, tanned hand.
"There is no place called Forbidia. You were following me." The brunette stated, folding her pale arms over her black shirt. "Why?"
"Because you seem like a threat to the place we call home." Erza answered, ready to summon her trusty silver sword.
"I am simply taking a walk along in the woodlands, or in other words, I am taking a detour."
"A detour from what, exactly?"
"I am simply on my way back to my wonderful house. I have to say farewell now." The brunette lifted her head to glance at the darkening sky above with her single amber eye, only to redirect her gaze back to the group I front of her. "It is going to rain soon."
"But wai-"







They were back at the guild.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I hope that all of you are having a wonderful day!! I got a new phone today, so hopefully this will make me update quicker? No promises! XD See you in the next chapter! Bye!!

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