Fade into darkness

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'Love, love me do.
You know I love you,
I'll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Whoa ccc, love me do.

Love, love me do.
You know I love you,
I'll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Whoa, love me do



“Please no...You know you don’t want to do it ....”I begged him to stop .Me and Mason , my best friend. We were coming from our friend’s party along with his long-time girlfriend Kaya.

They both had a huge fight at the party and now are sitting sunken in the car both totally ignorant of me and heavy alcohol flowing through their systems.

“Please Mason  ...Will you slow down? You are drunk.”I stated. “Please, it’s raining heavily. Slow down...”

“Just let me throw this bitch out first then only I will be able to slow down.”Mason shouted glaring straight in the front mirror towards kaya sitting at the backstreet of the car.

“No need. We are almost there .You better drop me here, I can go back myself and you can go back to you dammed life Mason.” Kaya shouted back at him angrily.

“Don’t be idiotic.”I snapped at both of them.

Mason stopped the car at once seeing her neighbouring drive through .kaya stormed out of the car in the heavy rain outside, making me jump at my seat.

“Are you insane? Remember she is your girlfriend and your only true love Mason.” I stated his own words to him making him realize his mistake.

We were driving at a lonely road with no one nearby with complete silence in the car for about an hour now. Sensing that I will be remained ignored by him during our whole ride, I turned up the volume of radio with my favourite boy band glaring from the speakers.

“Love, love me do. You know I love you, I’ll always be...”I started singing at the top of my voice hopping to get some reaction from him .I turned towards him ,elbowing him  .Shocked to see his expression .Never in my life I  expected that glare  ...Specially from Mason!

“No Mason ...No ......You are drunk and totally out of your mind....Stop the car right now  ...You know you will regret it when once you are sober.” I begged him hopping he would listen.



“Stop Mason …You are hurting me………Masonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……..”


Only thing I can sense right now is that me half resting out of the car.




I opened my eyes slowly sensing heavy pain  throbbing in my head and realising only thing  I could see was people staring at me like I was some kind of alien .What is happening ..................





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Fade into darknessWhere stories live. Discover now