Chapter 42 - "Deep Chats..."

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Chapter 42 - "Deep Chats..."

The first thing Clara felt that morning when she woke up was sweat.

She was absolutely dripping in sweat which was just disgusting. She couldn't even blame John - because he wasn't in the bed.

She wondered where he had gone because it was her house - he wouldn't just wander around aimlessly uninvited.

Thankfully her Dad goes to work on a Saturday and left as early as 7am so the fact that it was 11am didn't do much to phase Clara.

She was a little embarrassed about sleeping so late.

She sat up just as John stepped through the bedroom door and had a cheeky grin on his face.

She couldn't really form a coherent sentence right now still in shock of it all - even though the panic attack was hours ago now.

'Morning' he grinned holding out a plate with croissants and eggs on with a glass of orange juice in his hand.

'What's that?'

'Breakfast in bed... I mean after last night I figure you would be a little fragile - so instead of you getting up here it is' he hummed proud of himself. 'I went out and bought the eggs specially for you'

Clara was rather touched by the sentiment. She couldn't believe that someone would actually go to so much trouble - yet he had.

'That's so nice' she said on the verge of tears but managed to keep the water works in. John had seen quite enough of her crying over the past 12 hours. He deserved a break.

John handed her the breakfast as she sat up and then sat at the desk chair in her room for a moment as she ate the eggs.

She couldn't believe how amazing they tasted and the croissant was just what she needed to boost her energy.

'I'm -- I'm sorry about last night. It must have been pretty rough for you?'

'Not as rough as it was for you. I've had my fair share of panic attacks and I can tell you that, that was nothing. I'm just glad your okay now' he laughed.

'I'm sorry for falling asleep on you'

'How come?'

'It was just a thing that I did when I was little. My Mum would always tell me to listen to her steady heart beat and concentrate on that to calm me down. You were the closest person that was nearby - I figured I would use you. Sorry if that was too much' she mumbled looking down.

'Hey? It's fine. What are friends for?' He laughed climbing on the bed with her as she shifted the empty plate and cup onto her bedside table.

There as something that was bugging her. Something about all this that was bugging her. He kept referring to her as his friend.

She had introduced him to her Dad last night as her boyfriend... why was he so afraid of the commitment?

'Why do you keep saying friend? I mean your my boyfriend?... right?'

'Umm. Yeah. Of course I am'

'So am I your girlfriend?'


'Then why don't you say that?'

'It's complicated. I just -- I'm still finding it hard to adjust to actually having a girl friend. To have kissed a girl was a huge thing for me - so to go from that to staying round a girls house has just been a big change' he grumbled.

'Oh? Well we are together' Clara confirmed leaning in to give him a kiss as he leant back and ruffled his nose. 'What?'

'Morning breath' he shrugged saying exactly what was on his mind.

Most girls would have found that highly insulting but Clara loved that about him. Of course sometimes his filter needed to be used - but in this instance she wasn't too insulted.

- - -

The pair snuggled onto the sofa just after lunch to watch a tv series.

They had decided that they really wanted to watch some reruns of friends so once Clara had changed into a different onesie and got a fluffy blanket for the both of them they snuggled up.

She wasn't in the mood to go out or do anything on this particular Saturday. She just felt mentally and physically exhausted.

'What are you doing in half term?' He asked.

'Studying. We've only been back from Christmas for two weeks... what are you worrying about half term for?'

'I dunno. Yeah probably studying. That's a good plan' he hummed thinking up fun things the pair of them could possibly do in the half term.

She was right though. Half term was a long time away just yet.

'Did you want to do something this afternoon? Get some fresh air? What time will your Dad be back?'

'Probably 3 or 4. He does finish early on Saturdays' she hummed as there was a knock at the front door and Clara mentally curse herself for not calling or texting her gran.

The last thing that she wanted to do was spend the afternoon with her over the top fussing grandmother.

'Hi gran' Clara said slowly as Nibbles bolted for the front door where Theta was waiting prey for the puppy.

'Hello to you nibbles buddy' she smirked crouching down as much as her old lady body would allow her and creaked awfully loudly as she stood herself back up.

'Sorry gran. I should have texted you to let you know that John stayed this weekend. I don't need your company' she said.

She didn't like to be the one to let the old woman down. But sometimes things just had to be. Clara has a life of her own now that she's 16. That was surly in her opinion to be expected.

'Nonsense. You don't need my company but I need yours' she smirked worn a smile that said it all in Clara's opinion.

She had nightmares about that smile because it generally meant that Clara had to do some sort of chore.


'Even better that we have a man amidst us' she smirked.

'Man?' She sighed rolling her eyes.

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