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Morgan looked down at my ringing phone as it sat on the table. The screen flashed with the name Anthony Mason. Ever since he's gave me this phone, he's been calling and texting me non stop. Even if the conversation lasted an hour, he still made the effort to call again twenty minutes later.
It was something that I had to get use to, but the conversations were still great nonetheless. "Anthony's calling, again."She put emphasis on the word again as she folded her arms across her chest. She was throwing a small hissy fit about how I gave her no attention.

Holding up my finger, I tapped the accept button answering the incoming call.

"Yes Anthony."I say into the phone as I held it over my ear.

It took a minute of him shifting around to finally hear him through the speaker clearly. "Rememba' that you got that sit down wit' that Milan chick, ion want you flakin' on ole girl."He reminded me. Today was the day of Milan's and I sit down. We decided to do one at a small brunch place just so our aunts can let the cats out of the bags and let us know everything.

It was going on 2:39 and Milan agreed to sit down with me around three, after she finished cheer practice. She was a very busy girl that was in multiple groups and teams. Desite her hectic schedule, she still made time for us to talk to one another.

"Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot."I thanked him not noticing how time flew from my hands as I spoke to Morgan about my new surprising life.

"You welcome, and you better be ready when I get there."He advised me before hanging up.

He still hasn't learned the formal way to end a conversation.

Setting the phone down I looked at Morgan. "I have to go, I completely forgot that I had plans."I say as I safely got off the high stools that took a part of Morgan's modern dining table. Across the table I noticed her pout as she rolled her eyes childishly.

"He's taking you away from me again, isn't he?"She folded her arms across her chest before stumping in an infantile manner.

I shook my head no, indicating that she was wrong. "Noooo,"I stretched. "this time it's actually my sister, Milan."It felt a bit odd to call Milan my sister, but it was something that I'll have to get use to, if we both decided to stay in each others lives.

At the mention of Milan, Morgan's eyebrows shot up questioningly. "Do I need to come down there if she decide to get slick again. I'm skinny and all, but I'll still be able to throat punch her ass."Her petty violence talking caused me to laugh.

Shaking my head no, I eased out her melodramatics. "No Morgan, you won't have to do anything. I have to get out of here and go get dressed, I promise to call you to tell you everything."I assured her as I made my path towards the front door to exit.

"Peace out!"She called behind me as I made my exit from her home. Trudging up the stairs, I twirled my keys in hand as I arrived to the second floor. Unlocking the door, I made my entrance spotting Kashari in the kitchen over the stove cooking. Not paying her any attention, I slip my feet out of my thong sandals and began the cringing walk over to our bedroom. Ever since our hostility with each other grew to an unbearable amount, things had been quite awkward in that room of ours. We made sure to share no words and to stay out of each others way. The room was divided into two and we stayed at our designated sides.

"So you're chilling with Anthony now?" I hear her ask behind me as I was halfway through the hall way. Turning around to have my eyes set on her, I watched her as she stirred the piping hot substance in the pot before setting it on a lower temperature.

Smiling a tight lipped smile I respond to her. "Why do you care?"My hand was placed on my hip as I sassed her in an indignant tone.

Shrugging her shoulders she put an act as if she didn't care at all, but we both knew she cared and wanted to know all parts about the situation just so she could go blab her mouth to Jamilla. "I'm just asking. Remember how you promised to not fall for a hood nigga? Seems like you're breaking that promise."Going no further she averted her attention back onto the steaming pot that had her attention prior. Letting her words sink in, I contemplated on replying. I opted on saying nothing back. I turned on my heels before sauntering to the bedroom like I had set on doing before I got caught in small conversation with Kashari.

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