Chapter Three

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Nico's POV

As we walked through the gates of Malfoy Manor, I was impressed at the look of the mansion. It looked very similar to my father's palace, but it was less than half the size. It also didn't have the living dead surrounding it, protecting it from nonexistent threats.

The Manor had warding spells guarding it, and had a guard at the front door as a line of defense. He nodded to Lucius as we walked past, opening the doors for us. The guard stared at me in shock, as if not believing the rumors that he had heard.

Draco was directed by his father to take me to the room next to his, and wait to be summoned. We walked to the East wing and Draco showed me to my room.

"My room is just next door," he told me, pointing at the right wall. "Feel free to come and get me if you ever need anything and I will get it personally for you." He was speaking so politely and formally. It was almost like how I spoke to my uncles.

"You know," I told him as I dropped my duffle on the bed and slung off my backpack, sitting on my bed, "I'm not going to kill you. You don't have to speak like that to me like that just because of who my father is. I don't demand respect, and I won't hurt you for treating me like an equal."

Draco let out the breath he had been holding. "You won't?" he asked, hesitantly.

"I promise," I said genuinely. The blonde shut his eyes and visibly relaxed. "But if the Dark Lord expects it, I will be a posh jerk in front of others, just a forewarning."

"I understand," Draco said, walking towards me. He gestured towards the spot on my bed beside me and I nodded. He sat down a foot or so away.

I spoke after a moment of silence. "Be honest," I said. "What is my father like?"

Draco turned his head and looked at me. "Honestly?" he asked and I nodded. "He's terrifying as fuck. I'm constantly afraid to be in the same room as him since I'm afraid I'll say something wrong and he'll curse me or kill me."

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you think he'd kill me if I called him a twat to his face?"

Draco let out shocked laughter and all the tension broke. We laughed together for a little bit before I asked. "What exactly does he believe in?"

"Basically, pure-blood supremacy," he stated. "And for muggles to be our slaves."

"I don't agree with the second part," I interjected. "I have some friends that are muggles, and as much as they can annoy me, I don't want them, or anyone else, to be a slave."

We chatted about other things, other topics than my 'father', up until someone knocked on my bedroom door. Draco looked at me, expectantly; this was my room, after all.

"Come in," I called and a house elf walked through the threshold.

She bowed at both of us, addressing us as 'Master Draco,' and 'Master Nicodemus,' and told us that the Dark Lord was waiting for us in the Dining Room.

"Thank you," I told her as I walked past her into the hallway. She looked shocked at my thanks and blushed, but didn't say anything to embarrass herself, she just bowed again.

I followed Draco to the room, walking only half a step behind him. I realized that I was about two inches taller than him and our appearances were completely different.

While Draco dressed formally and presented himself well, and I looked like an emo high school dropout. Don't get me wrong, that's exactly what I am, but I don't think that's the appearance the Dark Lord will be expecting.

We walked into the Dining Room, which was basically a long table with chairs around it. Only 7 of the twenty some chairs were taken.

"Ah," the creepy looking, bald snake man said, looking at me, "My long awaited heir has been found." As he spoke with his raspy voice, he rose from his chair and walked over to me.

As Tom very awkwardly hugged me, I said, "Well I wasn't really hiding, I just didn't know you were looking for me." The hug was basically him wrapping his arms around me with me just standing there, staring awkwardly at Draco, who looked like he pitied me.

As my 'father' released me, there was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.

I, of course, decided to fill it since there was nothing better to do. "So what's for lunch?" the men in the room let out a breath I didn't know they were holding.

The Dark Lord let out a chuckle. "Anything you want, my son."

"I could go for a sandwich. Or, like, six sandwiches since I didn't eat breakfast," I told him and I saw Lucius send his son a pointed look.

"I'll go and inform the kitchen," Draco said, leaving the room in a hurry.

My 'father' sat down in the same chair that he was just in, gesturing to the one across from him. "Sit, we have a lot of talking to do."

He asked me questions about Durmstrang, and my knowledge of magic. Thanks to my real father's blessing, talking about my fake past came naturally to me. I could almost remember my imaginary friends and I hang out in our room, or the classes I took with them. It was weird, having almost false memories, but it helped me out on this quest, and that's what mattered.

When Draco walked back into the room about fifteen minutes later, followed by four house elves each carrying large platters with sandwiches, I stopped in the middle of my sentence and smiled at him.

"Thanks for the food, I'm starving." Draco cracked a small smile, but quickly removed it from his face when he remembered whose presence he was in.

As soon as the food was placed down, the Dark Lord spoke to him. "You are excused, Draco." The blonde nodded his head in understanding and quickly left the room again.

"Why can't Draco stay?" I asked, looking at the deformed Tom.

"He is not a full-fledged Death Eater; he has no place at this table," Voldemort explained, and I just shook my head.

"Well, neither am I, but here I sit," I stated.

'Father' let out a sigh. "You are my heir; you rightfully belong here."

I shook my head again. "But what if I don't want to be at this table? What if I want to side with Potter and take you down?" Everyone at the table stiffened and Voldemort was speechless, not expecting me to say anything like that. "Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to, I'll be damned if I side with that attention-seeking-whore, but I could. Remember that just because I'm your heir, doesn't mean I'm on your side. Not yet at least." I stood up from the table, grabbing one of the plates filled with sandwiches as I did so. "So, as you think that over, I'll be in my room."

With that, I turned and walked away from the table.

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