Chapter Four

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Draco's POV

As I quickly left the room, I heard Nico talking, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I knew better than to eavesdrop so I headed to my room on the other side of the manor.

I started pacing in front of my door, waiting to hear if someone walked down my hallway. I ferried my eyebrows together, worrying about a boy I had just met. Nicodemus was nice, he seemed trustworthy, and had yet to act like an asshole, I didn't want the Dark Lord to kill him or punish him for something he might say or do.

The moment there was a knock, I pulled the door open and immediately relaxed the tension in my body.

"Worried much?" Nico asked and I chuckled.

"Only because I care for your safety. The Dark Lord likes to be respected and I was afraid you would do something that would cause him to curse you."

Nico smiled at that and I moved from the doorway, allowing him to walk in. He placed the tray of sandwiches on the desk in my room, then grabbing one and sat on my bed. I followed his actions.

"So," I started.

Nico turned his head to look at me. "Yes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I cleared my throat. "What did you and your father talk about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want too," I added quickly. "I'm just curious."

He shrugged. "Mostly about my time at Durmstrang, my grades, my friends, stuff like that. It was a very boring 'what have you done so far with your life in the fifteen years you've been alive that I've been absent from your life,' conversation."

"How was it?"

Nico smiled tightly. "It was weird, talking to my father for the first time ever, but," he shrugged again, "It's something I've always wanted, so I'll have to deal with the awkwardness until it goes away."

I gave him a look of pity, thinking to my own life. "I'll be honest, things are still fairly awkward between myself and my own father, and I've lived with him my whole life, up until I went to Hogwarts, and yeah, I know he loves me and all, but it's just, awkward to be with him and have conversations."

"What about with your mother?" Nico asked. "She seems nice and loving, at least, she did for the few minutes I've known her."

I smiled at the mention of the woman who raised me. "My mother is perfect, and things aren't awkward with her. I can talk openly to her and she listens and I'm pretty sure she loves me more than my father ever could."

"So," Nico said, cracking a smile at me and bumping his shoulder into mine, "We're both mama's boy's, huh?"

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