Another Sexuality Update

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Hey frenz

I'm questioning my sexuality again. I might be homosexual??? I first thought I was ace, then settled on graysexual. I usually tell people I'm pan because I'm panromantic and my sexuality is confusing. That's not completely accurate because I don't think I've ever been physically attracted to girls or nonbinary people. That could change and I'm not saying I'm absolutely homosexual, but that's the label that I currently think is closest to my sexual orientation. My girlfriend is ace and if I'm homo it still means neither of us can be physically attracted to each other, which isn't a problem. It's just kind of awkward. It doesn't change my romantic feelings or faithfulness to her. It's just a more accurate label. So yeah. I'm out again.

Love ya,
<3 ;

Take Me Home, Ground ControlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora