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Was I dreaming?

Her soft lips pressed against mine

Nope, this is a new level of dreaming.

I should start kissing back.


"Seth..?" She asked, concern and confusion dripping from her cherry lips, whilst waving a hand in front of me.

"Oh god, shit. Seth?" She asked, more franticly. Her big blue eyes wide.

"Y-Yeah? Sorry, was out of it for a bit. Back, sorry." I stutterd, looking like a complete idiot.

"Thank god, I thought my powers did something." She let out a sigh of relief, her breath fanning over my face, making me shudder slighty.

This girl will be the death of me..

She grinned, and got up, holding her pale hand towards me, I took it and followed her. My wolf was howling with excitement.

"Uh, Dal? Where are you taking me?' I asked. She told me to shh, and lead me towards the trees of the forrest once we had left the house.

"To answer you questions, I want to show you something, you haven't seen what I can do yet, have,you?" She stopped, once we were deep enough inside the forrest, I could easily find our way back.

"Well, not yet." I scratched the back of my neck, she smiled at me softly, causing my wolf to spring. Down boy.

"Well, would you like to see?"

"Sure." I smiled.

"Right then, er. Look at the trees." I nodded, and looked up at the tall trees, covered in green moss, I always loved the smell of the forrest.

She held her arm upwards, towards the greenery, swaying her arm left and right, the trees following her actions. She suddenly stopped, now holding her arm towards a patch of wild flowers, with her index finger, she trailed a line towards us from the flowrs, she kicked her fingers and the flowers grew towards us, covering the small part of land completely.

My eyes wide, I stood there gaping like an idiot, that was amazing.

"Pretty neat, right?" She giggled, smiling up at me. I forget how adorably short she is compared to myself,

"Neat is a huge understatement. Dal, that was amazing.." I smiled, wrapping my arms around her waist. She blushed softly wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Glad you liked it, Seth." She said softly, before pressing her lips to mine, once again.


Its a filler, my dear chilren, no need for murder.

My deepest love and appreciation, thank you for this, all of you.


One Hell Of An Imprint (Seth Clearwater Love Story) HiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora