Foxy x Veronica: Part 2 <3

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A/n: this is continuous, so enjoy! P. S. I know Fredbear 'cause the bite but 'BEAR' with me please.

Night two came and Veronica was still scared of them but she's still a tough night guard. She finally encountered them outside the doors  and she screamed a lot starting last night until today. She's not used to look at their creepy faces.....yet.

Veronica was checking the camera in each room until she noticed that Bonnie is on the move. She checked at the left door to see him staring at her.

She screamed as she pressed the door button. Veronica sat back down to her swivel seat and checked at the cameras again to find Chica and she was at the right corner.

'Bloody hell! She's close to the office.' Her mind was panicking.

Veronica went back to the left door and turned on the door light to see Bonnie gone. She sighed in relief and opened the door.

She walked to the left door again and turned on the door light to see Chica with her scary face stuck on the window. "WHAT THE F**K, WOMAN?!!!" She shouted as she slammed the door button and the door slammed shut.

Veronica panted heavily as she sat down on the swivel chair and checked the cameras.

'F**kbear is still on the stage, jolly good show.' She thought as she sighed.

She pressed the Cam1C to see a stage with star-printed purple curtains and a certain animatronic popped its head out.

Her coffee brown eyes widened and her jaw dropped to see her childhood favorite. "F-Foxy?" She muttered then a tragic memory came back to her.


Foxy was started glitching violently and then he was shut off. A boy and little Veronica walked up to the stage. She went near to Foxy and touched him.

"Captain Foxy? Are you okay?" She asked with concern. Foxy was now powered on but his eyes were black with white pupils and he was growling at you. Veronica took a step back with a frightened look. "C-captain?" She stuttered in fear as Foxy opened his snout to see his sharp teeth.

She couldn't move, she was so afraid. Foxy lunged at her but instead, a boy stepped in front of her and took the bite. The kids in the Pirate's Cove screamed in terror and ran to their parents while she just stands there traumatized at the gore sight.

Finally, she spoke up, "F-Foxy, why?" She stuttered. She felt betrayed, scared, disappointed and regret. Foxy was back to normal but he saw what he had done. He looked up at you and he saw your expression. Veronica was crying.

"L-lass, I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to-" "VERONICA!" Foxy was cut off by her mother as she ran to her and carried her. Her mother glared at Foxy and ran to the door.

Veronica just stared at him from her shoulder with tears rolling down on her rosy pink cheeks as they finally headed out to the door.

End of flashback...

Veronica shook her head and grabbed her head. She puts down the camera and ran her fingers through her hair and her headband fell off.

"Sh*t." She muttered as she grabbed her headband from the floor and unbeknownst that one of the animatronics was ready to make run for it to the office.

She sat back up and adjusted her headband. Veronica picked up the tablet and went to the backroom to see Bonnie looking close to the camera with black eyes with white pupils making Veronica yelped and threw the tablet on the desk.

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