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As Andy had instructed, Ashley and CC got to work on digging the hole in which they would bury Cleo’s remains after they had burned her. Josh continued with his weapon creating and Mackenzie sat with him, the pair of them talking about the whole situation. “I still cannot believe Cleo is gone,” Josh was ranting and raging, “Those F.E.A.R. bastards will pay for what they have done!” Mackenzie, in all honesty, wasn’t paying attention, she was deeply sorry and saddened like everyone else but as usual, her head was full of Andy. She usually found herself thinking about him, once or twice in a way that she probably shouldn’t but she couldn’t help it, her mind often thought of things it shouldn’t. “Macca,” she felt something poke her arm, “Macca!” “Huh?” she was jolted out of her land of thoughts, “W-What?” Josh laughed, “Were you even listening to me?” Mackenzie sighed and shook her head, “No sorry my head was in the clouds again.” “Your head is always in clouds Macca; I sometimes wonder what goes on through that brain of yours.” She giggled “I’d tell you but then you’d probably laugh at me.” Josh looked at her with a confused expression on his face, “What do you mean I’d laugh at you? Why?” Mackenzie gazed dropped to the floor and bit her lip, “Because you’d think I’m totally weird and insane and crazy and uh um yeah…” Josh shook his head and smiled, “Nothing you could tell me could make me think that because you already are weird, insane and crazy Macca, we all are! Probably one of the reasons why Andy decided to call us the Wild Ones.” Mackenzie felt her heart pound at hearing Andy’s name mentioned. “So come on…” Josh nudged her playfully, “Tell me!” She looked at him and sighed before taking a deep breath, someone was going to find out sooner or later, she couldn’t keep it hidden away forever. “Okay well you see I… I… I’m in love with Andy; I have been ever since he rescued me from F.E.A.R. Now whenever someone mentions his name or he’s nearby me and I can see him I go giddy and my heart beats out of control and I’m not thinking about him.” Josh’s expression was priceless, “You’re serious?” Mackenzie nodded, “Yeah.” “But why have you never told him?” “Why? Why do you think? There’s no way I could admit it to him! He’d never speak to me again! Not that he speaks to me anyway…” “So you’ve kept this to yourself for two years? That’s how long it’s been since he rescued you right?” Mackenzie nodded “Two years and um three months?” “Wow I’m surprised you’ve stayed sane! Keeping it all in! Haven’t you ever felt like you were going to explode?” “Yes I have every fucking minute of every day! But surprisingly I feel more relieved now. I guess its cause I’ve got it off my chest and told someone.” Josh grinned “That’s a good thing! And hey, maybe one day you’ll actually have the courage to tell Andy himself.” Macca smiled and gazed towards the sky, the sun would start setting in a couple of hours. Andy had said they were going to bury Cleo at sundown. “I’m gonna go for a walk to get my head clear before the funeral ok?” Mackenzie stood up. Josh looked up at her, nodding, “Good idea, not long now that sun will be going down soon.” She nodded, “I’ll see you back here later.” “Yeah see ya.”

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