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Back out in the desert, things weren’t looking good for the Wild Ones at all, more had died, CC had been stabbed through the shoulder by a F.E.A.R. staff and now wasn’t able to fight so well, Mackenzie and Loretta had both lost a fair amount of blood and Andy was still in one on one combat with William who was tormenting him just as Josh had done to Ashley. “Look around you Andrew! Everyone is dying, and you my old friend are going down with them!” “I’m not afraid to die!” Andy yelled, “If I die then so be it I die! But you will never win… we will put an end to F.E.A.R!” William smirked “But how can you win when you’re all dying?” “And that’s why we’ve brought reinforcements!” “What the..?” “Jake, Jinxx, you’re back!” “You don’t say?” Andy grinned at William, “You really should have some sort of security at your headquarters you know...” “You little..!” William took a lunge at Andy but missed and Andy laughed, “Is that the best you’ve got?” he looked around grinning and yelled, “Wild Ones are you with me?!” “Yeah!!” “Then let’s finish this!!” With the new people, and Jake and Jinxx back on the field, things turned massively in the Wild Ones favour and Shadow after Shadow began dropping dead. William became angry and turned more aggressive towards Andy, “You think just because you’ve got a few more on your side now you can win?! I think not!!” William began muttering some sort of incantation and next thing they knew, the Shadows began multiplying. “That’s cheating!” CC yelled as a new Shadow took a swipe at him, “And you call yourselves righteous!” “CC you talk too much!” Andy yelled, “Shut up and fight!” CC grinned and slammed his fist into the earth causing a quake, “Take that mother fucker!!” “Andy, watch out!!” A Shadow had appeared behind Andy while he was fighting William and taken a swing at him. “No!” William yelled at the Shadow, “He is mine!!” “More like you’re mine,” William had been to busy yelling at the Shadow and not paying attention, and Andy had taken the opportunity to fire an arrow straight through William’s heart. The F.E.A.R. leader stumbled for a moment and pulled the arrow out, blood gushed everywhere… “Is that all?” “No but this is!” Andy fired again but this time sending his dagger right between the F.E.A.R. leader’s eyes. He gasped and fell to the ground, more blood coming out. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Andy and William, several Shadows gathered round their master, William knew this was the end, for him at least, and the Shadows knew it. William spoke to them quietly, “This is to be my final transmission… The rebels have defeated our illustrious armies… they have damaged our intention of ugly and defiant malevolence… all that we love, and care for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age! May it more sinister and perhaps more protracted by light of perverted science and rebellion. The whole root and heavy core will perish and starve in captivity… They will never win their freedom, they cannot escape F.E.A.R…” with his last breath he muttered, “You know what you must do...” and then his eyes closed forever. Cheers erupted all around as the Shadows he’d summoned by magic disappeared, leaving only a few remaining who decided enough was enough and ran. Cheers flew up all around, Jinxx and Jake hugged each other tight, CC scooped Loretta into his arms and much to everyone’s surprise, kissed her! Mackenzie had run straight into Andy’s arms and he hugged her tight… It was all over and the Wild Ones had won! “I just knew we could do it!!” CC was yelling as chants broke out once again, “We are the Wild Ones, they don’t understand, out time has come!!” “Wait!!” Jinxx yelled, everyone stopped and he pointed at where the bodies of Ashley and Eve lay, there was blood! Andy dropped his bow, ran and threw himself down on the ground next to his best friend, pulling him onto his lap, something had attacked the both of them and blood was pouring out. “We’ve got to get them back to the camp now!!” Andy yelled, “And hurry!!” he scooped Ashley up into his arms, Jinxx did the same with Eve and they began to run back towards the camp as fast as they could with Mackenzie and several of the still in good condition Wild Ones hot on their heels… Jake, CC and Loretta stayed with injured to help them. “Get them in the infirmary now!!” Andy yelled when they entered through the gates of the camp, “Flora!!” One of the few that that stayed behind came out of her silo, “Andy?! What happened?! Who won?!” “We did but you’ve got a lot of work to do!! Ashley is on the brink of death!!” tears were forming in Andy’s eyes at those words, “Please!! Save him!!” Andy, Jinxx, and Flora entered the infirmary which was a huge white tent located in the far right back corner of the camp… Andy lay Ashley’s body down on a table, Jinxx laying Eve’s on the one next to that, “I’ll do everything I can Andy I promise… What about the girl?” “Her name is Eve Black,” said Jinxx, “but I fear she may already be dead…” “Okay… No one is to enter this tent until I say so! Are there any injured?” Andy nodded, “Yeah quite a few… and a lot dead!” “Right well take these,” Flora gave him and Jinxx and load of medical supplies “I’m sure you lot can handle that… Now out!”
Andy and Jinxx were shooed out the tent and so they went back out to help CC, Jake and Loretta with the injured, while Mackenzie and the Wild Ones that had returned with them, began helping each other with their cuts and bruises and getting food ready for everyone. When everyone was back, Andy, Jake, Jinxx, CC, Loretta and Mackenzie returned to the battlefield to look at the dead, while everyone rested and ate, and Flora worked on Ashley and Eve. Bodies of friends and enemies were scattered together, including William’s and … “Oh Josh…” Mackenzie fell onto her knees next to the body of her old friend, “Why?!” “That’s funny…” said Jinxx, “I don’t remember seeing him during the battle at all… he must have died very early on…” “I saw him trying to run away…” said Andy, “I went to go after him but William stopped me… I didn’t see him after that…” “I did…” “CC?” “I heard your shout Andy and then I saw him running… I went after him and he realised I was following, he threw a knife at me but it missed… I threw mine at him at got him right in the back… he was dead almost straight away…” Mackenzie cried, CC knelt next to her and put his arm round her, “Macca I’m sorry…” “D-Don’t worry about it… He deserved it, A-And if Ashley does die… H-He will have been avenged.” CC hugged her and so did the others… “Let’s not think like that eh?” said Jake, “Got to be positive!” “Jake is right…” Andy agreed, “We’ve got to be strong… for Ashley’s sake…” “So what are doing about all these bodies? Stick them in a pile and burn them?” “If that’s what you think is best…” 


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