something went wrong!

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India’s POV

I waited until the men were out of sight then ran to the door, It was locked and It didn’t look like I would be able to pick it, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed an knife, thinking about how to escape, then I realised that the knife was sharp, it glistened in the light coming through the windows, it took the knife in one hand and pulled up my shirt with the other, if I was going to die anyway, what were a few more scars, I slid the knife across my hip, the knife was sharper than I though, the cut going half an inch into my skin, I yelled in pain and grabbed a cloth from the sink, I was clearly on some sort of bus though a large one with a kitchen? I placed the knife on the counter and began to mop up my side, the blood was already splattered on the beige carpet and I began to scrub the floor, shit shit shit, I had gotten all of the blood of the floor and began to clean my side when I heard a knock on the door, I ran into my bunk again and heard a single pair of foot steps enter the bus.


I told the guys to wait outside, and carefully walked onto the bus, I knew that the girl was afraid of me and Andy so introducing the guys wasn’t gonna be the best idea, I looked up the bus but there was no sign of her.

I gasped, I saw the knife and shuddered, half covered with blood, I walked over to it and began cleaning, not good to tell the guys about this, they’d only freak out, I searched the bunks until I found her, lying on her side.

India’s POV

I heard the man gasp, shit the knife, fuck, I felt weak, the wound was dryin but I had lost a lot of blood, using my shirt as a bandage, pressing it on my side, I heard the sink running and became very confused, why was he cleaning it, I heard him walk through the bus pulling the curtains from the bunks to see if I was there, he opened my curtain and sighed, I was wearing nothing but my under shirt now and the blood was seeping through the jumper.


I walked back to the guys, “look guys maybe I should talk to her for a bit, she looks a bit shaken up, I think she would be terrified of all of us” the boys agreed saying, “just remember we’re on in an hour” I nodded and watched as they turned and went back into the venue. I waited for their voices to fade before running back to the girl.

“What the- wha- ugh” I sighed disappointed as I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, I lay her in the bath while I looked for some bandages, the cut was deep, what had she been thinking? I ran back to the bathroom after finding a first aid kit at the front of the van, I looked at the cut, her thigh trembling, I pulled up her shirt and wrapped the bandages around her stomach, pulling it tight across the side where her cut was, her tiny frame contorted with pain, showing just how skinny she was, her stomach was abnormally thin and her ribs poked out from underneath her top. I pulled her shirt down slowly and stood up, “I’ll be right back” I said as I ran across to my suitcase pulling out a plain black shirt and a large hoddie as well as a pair of jeans, her current ones had cuts in the sides and blood soaked into the top, I told her to change and went outside the bathroom.

India’s POV

Why was this man being so kind to me, he had bandaged my wound and now was giving me clothes, I quickly changed, ignoring my self in the mirror, I knew how I looked and I did not want to have to see myself, I ran my finger through my hair and sat down on the toilet, “done” I said almost silently, feeling nauseous, I felt weak after the incident and my eyes were beginning to droop, I felt hands grab my legs and head and I was lifted then placed onto a bed, I looked at the man who I knew to be CC and smiled slightly, “thank you” I whispered as he looked worryingly at me, “hey, the band were talking and we decided that you could maybe stay with us, until you think your ready to leave, bu-but we will discuss that later, for now you can just sleep, I will have Andy send Juliet into watch you, so don’t try anything okay?”I nodded and felt my eyes close.


I woke up and banged my head on the tiny roof above me, “ouch” I said, rubbing my head with my right hand, who designed these things, my other dropping to my side, not before rubbing against the bandage, I looked at the white fabric stretched across my stomach and saw a red streak of blood coming out of it, I must have pulled on it while I was sleeping, I worried about what I was going to do, a cut like that would get serious if it wasn’t treated properly, I remember the guys back home bringing a man into my house when I was 5, he had a long cut down his leg, my brother pleaded with my mother to help the man who was now writhing on our kitchen table, my mother was a nurse, she died a year later when I was 6. I looked out of my bunk, I was becoming strangely relaxed in this bus, that couldn’t happen, getting to relaxed in your surroundings meant death, I reminded myself , I had even smiled at that CC guy ugh maybe I had Stockholm syndrome, but then again I got the feeling that I wasn’t being held here against my will, maybe they knew what was going on, maybe they were trying to help? They hadn’t hurt me yet, had they? Still, I couldn’t afford to make that mistake.

A new life (a blackveilbrides fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now