A Blast from the Past

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Walking back to the dragon sanctuary's main building, Gwen kept pausing in her tracks. With Artem and Olena walking ahead of Newt and Gwen trailing behind, Newt waited until Gwen caught up to him.

"Are you alright?" he asked Gwen.

Gwen didn't respond as her eyebrows furrowed; she didn't respond until Newt nudged her shoulder.


"Are you okay?" Newt asked again.

Gwen blinked, "Oh yes. I'm just concerned about the dragons."

"Me too, Gwen." Newt responded walking in step with her.

"No it's just that what these dragons seem to have, I've seen before." Gwen said.

Newt stared at his friend, "Where?" he asked loudly.

"Shhs." Gwen slapped her hand over his mouth and pulled him off to the side.

"Because it was me, I had this. Don't you see Newt, what these dragons have is a mutated virus found in the magical community." Gwen whispered.

"You mean to say?"

Gwen nodded.

"Then how did you survive? All the dragons here look like they're on their death bed." Newt said looking at her.

"I was too," she answered, "but it was because my father modified the cure of Dragon pox."

"Wait," Newt stopped Gwen, "Are you telling me that these Dragons have Dragon pox?"

Gwen nodded, "Well a severe variation of it anyway."

Newt gestured with his hands, "Well what's the cure?"

Gwen grimaced, "I don't remember it was so long ago. My father used to dabble in potion making, which came in handy when I fell ill, but he never shared the cure he used."

Newt walked around in a small circle with his case still in hand. Gwen noticed movement in his front coat pocket as a tall green leaf peered out.

"Is that Pickett?"

Newt stopped his pacing to see Gwen's eyes on the little Bowtruckle. "Yeah, still feigning his illness." He chuckled as Pickett slowly descended back into the pocket.

"I'm beginning to think his obsession with you is unhealthy." Gwen smiled as only the Bowtruckles leaves were sticking out.

"Now that's not-"

"Oh there you two are." Olena's voice echoed out to them, "Artem and I thought you had gotten lost."

"We're fine." Newt said to her, "But we think we might know what the dragons have."

Olena brightened, "Oh this is wonderful. Come we need to tell Artem right away."

Olena grabbed onto Newt and Gwen as she hurried both of them into the building. The whole building was made out of wood, which made Gwen laugh since the whole sanctuary was surrounded by a bunch of dragons.

"Oh, Artem!" Olena called frantically, "Artem get over here, Mr. Scamander and Gwen have just had a breakthrough."

Artem quickly ran out of his office, "Yes, what did you too figure out?"

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