I swear I saw something behind me in my basement.

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So I think I did say something about my basement around the first few chapters. If I haven't said anything, someone hung them self on a platform near the stairs. Also, any dog will never go down there.
Most of the basement is only used for storage reasons, and a few rooms have not been touched in years, so it's plain creepy down there. (The furnace room light only turned on dimly for years until it decided to fix itself a month or two ago.)

So for the stairs there are a few steps, then a platform, then the stairs start back up again to the right. On the platform, I have ALWAYS felt a presence, especially when I'm turning that little corner. It sometimes gets so bad, that I run upstairs. It also makes it worse that the light switch is at the bottom of the stairs too.
A friend of mine feels awkward around that area too, and she has even told me she thought she has seen something behind her as well when she was standing on the platform.

So today, I had to carry up a lot of furniture and other items to prepare for Christmas, so I was up and down there multiple times. One of the times I was going back upstairs after I turned off the lights. I was turning on that platform where I swear I saw something behind me. It was weird though, and I can't explain it, but I saw a fuzzy white circle(?) behind me, as well as a darker shadow around that white thing.
Whatever it was, I felt like something was following behind me, and I NEEDED to run.

I also want to point out that it was light outside and that it wasn't dark at all where I was standing, even though the lights were out.

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