Chapter 19 - Nash

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"Stop smiling,"

Taylor is in front of me while we have breakfast and won't stop staring at me.

"Stop grinning, Taylor! This isn't funny,"

"You are right, it isn't funny. It's exciting!"

"I don't share your view. I'm doing it because he put me on the spot. I'm still mourning Brendan,"

"With whom you only had a date and is moving to the other side of the world. This is a new chance Nina,"

I ignore Taylor's hurtful but true words and go back to my coffee. Nash asked me out on a date. His team won the Halo World Championships for the third time and while being interviewed, he asked me out. Tons of people had their eyes on me and expected an answer. I have survived seven unlucky dates, what is then one more? 

I looked at Taylor for support, but he was nodding at Nash for me. Evan was trying to hide a smile. I said yes, but it should have been a no. Now I'm stuck on a date tonight, and the moment is now plastered online for everyone to see.

Taylor brings me home and heads to his work. I keep myself entertained fulfilling online orders and chatting with Benji, Elijah's best friend and one of my regular customers. Just like Evan, he has a weakness for Transformer action figures. Luckily his wife doesn't mind his growing collection and even got him a new display case for their anniversary.

I look at my watch and reluctantly close the barn at the end of the day. I need to get dressed for my date. I don't even know what to wear as he didn't speak to me further. One of the event coordinators asked me to write down my phone number for him, and he messaged me the date time this morning. 

The door bell rings and I open the door for Nash. Now in proper light, I can see that he looks younger. His bloodshot eyes are brown and his cheeks are dusted with faded freckles.

"Hi! Thanks for accepting to go out with me. I'm sorry I asked you in public. I was too excited about the tournament and was afraid you would leave without me asking you out," he says in a fast flow of words. He looks nervous.

"Apology accepted. Where are we going?" I take in his black shirt and jeans, which is pretty much the same outfit I'm wearing.

"It's a surprise," he says. 

I'm curious about what sort of surprise he could arrange since last night. We walk to his brand new SUV. My second-hand service van looks like a piece of trash next to his vehicle.

"Nice car," I say.

"Thanks. I thought about taking out the Viper, but it's a low car and people always complain they can feel all the bumps on the road,"

A Dodge Viper? That is one fancy and expensive car.

"How many cars do you own?"

"About four muscle cars and a bunch of Harley-Davidson motorcycles,"

My mouth pops open while making some quick value calculations.

"Do you ride them all?"

"Not really. They were more impulse purchases," he shrugs. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

"Yeah, it was fun,"

"I couldn't sleep after all that happened. I've been awake for over 24 hours. Well, I drank like a case of Red Bull too," he chuckles.

"You haven't slept? What did you do then?"

"I played other games to chill and keep my mind from replaying the night,"

"Don't you feel tired?"

"Not at all. My eyes are a bit irritated but that's all,"

It can't be healthy. Not even in my most exciting life moments I've been awake for so long.

Nash keeps driving until we reach a mega mall. He parks his car and we walk together towards a back alley instead of the entrance. This isn't exactly my idea of a romantic date. All I see in front of us is a three-floor high gray wall and service doors. He takes out his phone and alerts someone we are here. A door opens after a few short minutes and a man receives us.

"Right this way," he says. 

We go up a set of staircases and I try to figure out where we are without success. Nash looks excited. I wonder how many caffeinated drinks he has in his system. The man opens a door and we enter a foyer with a candy and popcorn concessionary.

"Are we in a movie theater?" I ask.

"Yeah. I thought we could watch a movie without interruptions. Would you like something to eat?" Nash says, getting behind the counter and grabbing a giant popcorn tub.

I help myself to another big portion of popcorn and a drink, and follow Nash to the adjacent theater. There is no one else around and I wonder what sort of movie we will watch.

"I hired the theater just for us. You can sit wherever you want. The movie will start in ten minutes,"

I'm speechless. I stuff my mouth with popcorn and stare at the screen. Soon enough the movie starts and I'm half-disappointed when I realize that we are watching 'Assassin's Creed'... a movie based on a game.

At least the movie is entertaining and quite violent. One thing is for sure, this date won't be easy to forget.

"Let's go to my apartment. We can order food and chill,"

After his vehicle collection, I wonder what kind of apartment he has. We arrive to a posh building and head to the penthouse. Nash opens the door for me and I find a large living space with scarce furniture. The walls are bare and the rest looks a bit sterile.

"I barely use this part of the apartment. I'm in my bedroom all the time," he explains.

I walk behind him until he opens a door. My eyes take some time to adjust to the dim place. A large bed is set against the back wall. The rest of the room is occupied by three desks, each with three large monitors. All sorts of colors shine from the PC towers on the floor. The chairs look as if taken from racing cars.

"How do you like my setting? Take a seat and I will set you up while I order some food,"

I don't even get to reply. I sit in the comfy chair and look at the equipment in front of me. A few keyboard keys are missing the letters, the sign of constant playing. Nash loads a game for me while I admire the wall filled top to bottom with games. He then disappears as I start playing the game.

"Load! Damn lag!"

I look behind me to see that Nash has set himself before one of the gaming stations. I see he is tapping the arm rest with his hand. He starts playing and I go back to my game.

"Fucking die already!"

And I thought I was an aggressive player.

"Move bitch! Out of the way!"

I'm trying so hard not to laugh.

"I'm fucking done! Fuck this shit! Fucking noobs!" he throws the headset on the desk.

He then grabs the headset again and goes back to cursing. I hear the door bell, but he is engrossed in the game. I go to the door and receive the food. The delivery guy startles when we hear a high pitched scream.


I grimace to the delivery guy and place the food in the oven. I walk back to the room and Nash has his head on his folded arms on the desk. It is funny and sad to see him like that. I approach him softly and realize he has fallen asleep. I take the blanket from his bed, cover him and get my phone to call a taxi to bring me home.

Nina Cox Must Date (Girl Power Series)Where stories live. Discover now