Blaise's new fling!

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Blaise's POV

I was walking back to the prefect dorm. That's when I saw her. She was laughing with Potter and I was jealous. I followed them, they

Potter turned and headed towards the dungeons and Ginny kept walking towards the dorm. I quickly ran up behind her and

said,"Hullo" very confidently, she replied, "Oh, hullo." We walked into the dorm and talked for hours, and then we fell asleep on the

couch, together.

Ginny's POV

I had the strangest dream. Blaise Zabini stopped me in the hall and we talked for hours, then we fell asleep together! How strange is

that? I woke up and found a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I jumped up and realized it wasn't a dream, I loved

Blaise......but how could this be possible? I loved Harry, I think, but my body was still tingling after spending the night with Blaise, I felt

stronger with him, but now that he was away I felt faint. I ran into my room and took a hot shower. All the sudden I felt and awful pain

rip through my stomach! "AGGGGGHHHHH!" I scream in agony. It was like girl pains multiplied by twenty! Blaise ran into my room

and cradled me. "Shhhh," he whispered, "It's going to be alright." After being with Blaise for awhile the pain subsided. But as the day

went on we quickly found out I couldn't be without him for more than an hour before the pain came back. I was sitting in Defense

against the dark arts when it happened. I ran as fast as I could into Madame Pomfrey's office. She laid me down and examined me all

the while I was screaming. A look of horror was splashed across her face as she ran to get Blaise. He was by my side within moments

and I immediately felt better. "Well it looks as if my suspicions were correct," she sighed, "both of your parents are being owled" she

explained as she scampered out of the room. That's when Blaise kissed me, it was perfect, nothing like what it felt to kiss Harry. I felt a

charge run through me and then mum walked in.....

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