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Zayn's P.O.V

"Zayn?" I heard someone called and I immediately knew who it was. It's been A year  since I've finished high school and lost my first love. Of course I will still love Kira. She ment everything to me.

I moved across the globe a lot because of the boxing matches I have.

"Zayn." The person called again barging into my room. "What player?"?i asked turning my head to the side to see Gia.

She rolled her eyes at me coming near the bed looking down at me. "Get up idiot." She said smacking my cheek. "Ow!" I complained and she smiled.

I met her at a boxers match. Shes a fighter just like Kira. I thought and I clenched my jaw. I was doing an awful job at forgetting about her. I didn't want to forget about her because she ment so much to me that I can't just forget but she didn't care about me and she moved on with her life so I should too.

I'm trying to focus on someone else and that's what I'll do. "Zayn Fred is going to kill us we missed three matches. " she whined.

"I know, just tell him we had plans." I replied. She paused mid way fixing her ponytail in the mirror looking at me.

"I suddenly sometimes which I wasn't your friend." She said making a face. I pushed myself up off the bed going over to her lightly pushing her making her giggle.

I then made my way to the bathroom. I was getting ready to pee when Gia spoke. "Close the door." She yelled from my room.

"It's my hotel room." I said in a duh tone. "Well I don't care." She retreated and I glared at her kicking the door close.

After I've gotten ready Gia and I made our way to the boxer club. The past months I've got draft for this professional club boxing. It wasn't much like boxing because we used our legs to fight too. I get a lot of money just for fighting each time.

I was more famous now. I was all over the place. From Australia to Florida to Canada and more countries in the next 3 years.

We walked in and we saw everyone training. I missed everyone ones birthday the 4 months. It's funny because we all were born close to each other. Zac , Zander and Beth's in July. Mines, Kira and Lucy's in August.

"Hey Fred." Gia greeted smiling at him. He just glared at her causing me to laugh. "Yah get yourself together and get training." He said walking off playfully pushing Gia out the way.

I took my shirt of grabbing some boxing gloves going to a bag. "Gia. You helping me train?" I asked and I heard a yes before she walked out the changing room in her sports bra and some tights.

Gia was beautiful with her blue/ green eyes and blonde hair. I admit it we messed around a couple of times and she wasn't one to cling like other girls. That's what I love. She was like Kira.

"You ready?" she asked holding the punching bag and snapping me out my thoughts . I nodded at her and we started.

When it was free fighting Gia almost broke my back. "Here take the ice." She said holding it out for me. She ran a hand down my back and it caused me to flinch at her toughing the painful area.

"Ow, it hurts." I hiss. "I told you keep your back up." Gia said. She's a much better fighter than I am. She rested the ice on the area and I winched shutting my eyes.

"Wow , pretty boy got hurt." Fred said high fiving Gia. "You guys are awful to me." I faked cried. "We almost cared." Fred said laughing. I rolled my eyes at his playfully words  and he ruffled and my hair.

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