Chapter 18

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Once the boys filed out of the change room, they were all settled up on the party nostalgia. As they left it, there was now silence instead of their noises that sharply rang in my ears. I decided to maintain keeping busy so maybe the shrill sound would dull out. Plus, I really didn't care to listen to them boasting about that they were going to be having all the fun tonight while I stayed behind. 

Well, those boys, and myself, would be in quite the surprise tonight. 

Harry had stayed behind to wait for me because he was obviously going to be my ride whether I went along with him to the party or not. I would be just fine walking home or calling my mum to end my night on this note but he always insisted that he'd take me wherever I needed to go.

Knowing Harry, like I somewhat do now, I knew while he was waiting for me he was keeping on the move. I saw him a few times walking aimlessly around the change room. He never looked up to me once and he seemed to be talking to himself by the subtle way his lips would move. When I heard a crash I had hurried over to him but all was fine. A proud feeling of relief washed over me when I saw him walking without that foolish crutch. He didn't need it and that fact just brought Harry closer back to the team, and hopefully not further away from me. I actually wanted to take a seat on one of the small change benches and just observe him but we both wanted to get out of here, and maybe even far from here. 

I was nervous about going to my first party. The only parties I knew of were either fictitious or rumored to be the greatest from mindless chatter. I was about to find out for myself what made people enjoy nights like these and if the stories they told were true. Maybe I would end up disappointed or even relieved to find that parties weren't worth all the hype. There was nothing wrong if I didn't have a good time tonight even though I was secretly hoping that I would. I just wanted one night where I could be happy and not have to think about things so much. That could be the reason people liked to do this. 

Now, Harry seemed more casual about going to team party and that surprised me even though he's been to a handful before. I thought that he might not want to go because he'd be feeling upset still over the fact the team had been victorious without him, like they almost didn't need him. How was I really to know what Harry Styles was thinking though? He displayed as much emotions as a stone. I just really didn't want him to be the type of person who turned to illegal activity to make himself feel better. He said he wasn't that type of person but people never want to admit that they have problems like that. He told me that he was only going so he could look out for the rest of them but I was sure they didn't need or want him doing that. They would see no point in it. 

Arriving, Harry parked his car a little bit further away from Dan Andrews' house. It was still lightly raining out and I couldn't help to look over at Harry's hair to see how the rain rested on his head like dew drops on the grass, shimmering dimly from the streetlight. I tucked my hands into the pockets of my jeans, barely fitting but I didn't know what else to do that didn't make me look like I was always just staring at him. 

"You might be better off if you stay with me at first and if they say anything just ignore them." Harry told me as we crossed the street over to the house. 

"That's all right." I said calmly, nodding as I walked beside him. His request was pretty easy to agree to because that's where I hoped to be throughout the night and I really hoped the others would be too busy to notice me. 

Harry opened the door to Dan Andrews' house and I couldn't help but to raise my brow because he just left the door open and anyone could walk on inside. Was that a secret party code or was he just careless? 

Right away, we were greeted so they must have known that Harry was coming. Michael, everyone's favorite person for the night and maybe through Monday, approached us. I thought about congratulating him personally since he did win the game for us and I also didn't know if he was one of the boys who enjoyed harassing me.

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