Chapter 8

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Eli's POV

The Alpha's son. I was dancing with the Alpha's son. I was a bit nervous at first, but I had managed to find a steady rhythm, following Cyrus's lead. After a while, I felt myself leaning against him. My wolf seemed happy, and I smiled. As I felt myself get lost in thought, the clocks struck midnight.

My wolf growled, snapping me out of my thoughts. Mate... I smelled a strong scent and I looked up at Cyrus. He seemed just as surprised. Before I could say anything, sparks danced across my eyes. I'll be eighteen at midnight. My stomach dropped with realization. The next Alpha is my mate.

Cyrus started to say something, but I took of running. I went as fast as I could, leaving the ball room and running back down the hall. My wolf howled and whimpered, begging me to go back. Mate. I shook my head. I can't be the Alpha's mate.

I heard Cyrus's pleas for me to stop, but I ignored them. I came to the steps of the entrance, hoisting up my skirt as I ran down. As I got to the last step, I turned my heel, stumbling. I felt my shoe come loose and fall abandon on the step. I glanced back, spotting the shoe and Cyrus. No time. I ran, leaving the shoe on the step, heading into the forest.

I waited until I was a good distance away before shifting, my long blue gown becoming sleek gray fur. My wolf tried to take control, urging me to go back, but I forced myself to go forward, towards home. The run was long and painful, my heart and wolf aching as I got further and further away from my mate.

I arrived home to an abandon house, changing back and slinking down to the basement. I caught my breath, sitting for a moment. The Alpha's son. I laughed bitterly, reality hitting me hard. An Alpha and an Omega. Both males. How could this possibly work out?

I stood up, changing out of my dress and back into my normal clothes. I removed the mask and shoe, shoving them into a box along with the dress. I stood in the mirror before removing the headband, watching my hair fall back over my forehead and into my eyes.

I threw myself on my bed, closing my eyes slightly. The clock by the door ticked. Twelve-ten. I had never expected to find a mate so quickly. Actually, I had never imagined finding a mate at all. Mostly, people avoided me, or knew nothing about me. Eventually, I had given up hopes of ever finding a mate.

"ELI! Where are you?!" I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes. I must have fallen asleep. I looked at the clock. One-thirty. I moved out of bed, and out of the basement.

My step-mother sat in the kitchen, red-faced and angry. "How... Was the ball?" I asked timidly. 

She turned and glared at me. "Awful! It was awful! He didn't even look at the girls! He was too infatuated with some mystery girl the entire night. Except, she ran out on him at midnight, leaving nothing more than a shoe." 

I kept my face straight, though guilt invaded my mind. "I see..." 

My step-mother turned to look at me. "Well? Go help the girls undress! We've had enough of this ball nonsense for tonight!" 

I nodded, turning on my heel to leave. "Yes, step-mother."

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