Christmas Eve

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Hello, Joey here ^^ I decided to give you all a Christmas special today, kinda late since Christmas is already over. Do keep in mind that I haven't played the Christmas DLC. Thankfully it goes with the flow of the story line and I am very thankful to actually have readers. I never thought that I would get reads or even votes when I started. To you reading this right now, thank you for staying and reading, it's because of you, I have motivation to continue writing this story. *bows*

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ^^



Yoosung★ : It's Christmas tomorrow, what do you guy plan on doing?

ZEN : It's a holiday so I'm just going to stay home.

Yoosung★ : What?! You're not going to celebrate?!!!

                      : *?!? emoji*

                       : It's such a festive time to celebrate!!!!! 

707 : I forgot that tomorrow is Christmas lol

Jaehee Kang : I'm too busy to celebrate ;;;

                            : There's so much work left that had to done

Don't you have holidays, Jaehee? 

Jaehee Kang : Apparently, no.

707 : I don't have holidays too T_T

        : so

        : busy

        : *tear emoji*

OMG so sad T_T 

Cheer up

Yoosung★ : uhm...;;

                       : can't you guys clear some time? Let's have dinner together tomorrow.

ZEN : no prob

         : Should we exchange gifts as well?

That's a great idea!!

I wanna go~ 

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom

Yoosung★: Jumin!!!!

Jumin Han : Yes?

Yoosung★: Do you have time? Let's have dinner together tomorrow.

Jumin Han : Assistant Kang, is my schedule free during the evening?

Jaehee Kang : No, Mr Han. You have a meeting.

Jumin Han : Postpone it.

Jaehee Kang : Yes, Mr Han.

Jumin Han : Yes, I'm free tomorrow.

707 : lolololol

        : lololololololololol

ZEN : lololol


Jumin is so cool hahaha

Jumin Han : Thank you

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