Hugs and Threats

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I closed my eyes for a second, before stuffing the note into my pocket.

Ethan still wasn't finished with his invention to make Seth forget, but after all I couldn't blame him. He wasn't feeling well those past few days.

The door behind me was opened, and I flinched a little.

Fucking Seth had me all fucked up.

"Are you okay?" Dakota asked me, when I spun around.

Her expression showed that she was genuinely confused about my reaction.

"Nothing's okay," I told her through gritted teeth, pushing the door close.

I pulled the note out and pressed it in her hand.

Her eyes drove over the lines, before they widened for a split second. "Is this a death-threat?"

I shrugged, taking the note back.

"Cory, that guy lost his mind! We have to stop this!" She exclaimed, panicking now.

"If he does something to Ruth, I swear -"

"We'll go to the police," Dakota said loudly, her voice gaining some hope. "They won't believe him anyways. I mean, really? Someone coming back from the dead?"

"What if there's some way for them to find out? We can't risk that, Dakota!" I told her.

"Who is ready for spring-break? Woooo! I know I am!"

Ethan barged in - sunglasses on and a book in his hand.

"Hey, how's it going with your invention?" I asked.

His demeanor changed. "About that... erm, I can't... do it."

"W-w-hat do you mean you can't do it? Dakota and I can help," I said.

"You don't get what I'm saying," Ethan sighed. "I feel guilty. I've done enough with that life-serum. It was the worst idea I ever had."

"Feeling guilty?" I asked incredulously. "We might go to jail if we don't make this imbecile forget about what he saw!"

That's when he took of his sunglasses, showing off his irritated look. "Listen, stop being so selfish. Whatever he swings at our way, we take it like men, alright?"

"Uhm?" Dakota intervened, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry, you get what I'm saying," he said, rubbing the back of his neck with the book.

I chuckled bitterly, "Take this then."

Upon reading the note, the colors vanished from his already pale enough face.

"I think I'll work on that invention some more during the break..."

My expression softened, "Will you be alright?"

I was asking him in regards of staying with his parents and going to therapy.

He nodded, offering me a tight smile.

I smiled back, "Love you, man."

"Same," he said, and we hugged each other.

"What about me?" Dakota asked annoyed.

"Come here," I smirked, rolling my eyes, before hugging her as well.

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