Twenty Seven.

25 0 0

He's sleeping on my lap.

Actually didn't I put the pillow on my lap? Where did it go? Ah. I must have slept on it.

I tap Marcello's face. "Uyy, wake up."

"We're here already?" He said as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Well I wouldn't be waking you up if we're weren't would I?"

"No I don't think you would."

"You didn't need to answer that question."

We got out of the car and went inside the house. Everyone was inside the living room talking about what they bought.

Uncle John glanced over at the Superdry paper bag. "Oh! Marcello you bought something."

Marcello looked a bit shocked and replied "Yeah. I did."

"Wow, you have a big bag, it looked like you bought quite a lot of stuff."

"Oh no these aren't all mine."

"What do you mean?"

"Some of these are Jennylyn's."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

My dad asked me "why does Marcello have the stuff that you bought?"

"Oh the cashier said that if we spent over £25 they'd give us £7 off. So we decided to merge the payments together."

"Ah okay."

But then Auntie Adrianna asked Marcello a question. "But how did you guys end up paying together when both of you went separate ways at when we got here?"

Marcello looked at Auntie Adrianna and said "Ma, we saw each other at Superdry coincidentally. It was just a mere coincidence."

They didn't seem to have any more questions so I decided to take my things and put it in that extra bag that I asked for.

I went upstairs to where my my family sleeps and placed my things in the room. They said we weren't going anywhere else today so I decided to change into my pjs and lay down on the bottom bunk of the bed.

I was laying down facing the wall. I wasn't really listening to music. I was just looking at stuff in my camera roll.

I pulled the duvet over my body and for a minute there I thought I was gonna sleep. But someone came in. I didn't look. I wanted them to think I was sleeping so if it was my parents they would leave me alone.

I heard the creaking of the floorboards. I closed my eyes. I can sense and see a shadow over me.

"Ahhh. She's asleep." I can tell. It was Marcello. But he had that tone. He knows.

"Yep. She's totally asleep." He paused and he used that tone again. The floorboards creaked again. "I know you're not asleep."

I sat up. "How do you knooooo--- and you're changing." I looked away.

"Why don't you change where your family's room is?"

"It's too small. Plus you can look. Nobody is gonna find out." He paused and stopped changing. "Didn't you grow up with guys? Shouldn't this be normal for you?"

An Asian Falling For An Italian. [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now