Chapter 1 when you arrive

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Author's Note

Sorry I haven't been posting lately I was busy helping around the house  and I didn't have time to post so heres chapter 1 and enjoy! ;) P.S. I decided to make the reader dominant.


"Please let him go!" "growl" "die you mutt!" "ahhhhhh!"

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEE- "THUD!" "CRASH!"  You groaned as you sat up in bed rubbing your eyes,while squinting your eyes of the harsh light in your bedroom as your foster mom was cleaning your room picking up your dirty laundry.M/n really what did I tell you about this room? your foster mother said scolding,you just sat there for moment just silence was in your room until your mother sighed and sat by you, "did you have that nightmare again?" your mother said in concern you nodded while brushing your fingers through your bed hair as your ears perked as your mom stood up and told you to get ready for night school, you rolled your eyes as you got up and went into the bathroom to get ready.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Timeskip by your favorite author-chan teaching a dog tricks.                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Okay m/n have good day at school don't cause any trouble and at least try to make some friends honey" said your mother as she waved you stepped into the limbo " how are you doing m/n?" asked your driver Jimbo "okay" you replied " good I'm glad" he responded as he put the car in gear you sighed as you rested your head on your arm looking out the window you slowly closed your eyes as you was embraced by darkness.
"M/n bet you can't keep up with us!" "bark!"
"Mom can we please keep the wolf please we promise to take care of it" asked Ayato as he looked up at his mother next thing you know everyone  went silent and what broke the silence was Ayato crying and his mother screaming at him as Ayato mother looked down at you with hatred as she grabbed you by the neck "and you!" said Ayato's mother as she tighten her grip and you struggled to get free with your scrawny little paws scratching at her."Please let him go!" screamed Kanato as he gripped Teddy, you growled in a low tone as a warning," die you mutt!" screamed Ayato mother. You snapped, you bit her hand and she dropped you instantly " the mutt t-the mutt i-it bit me ahhhh! I'm bleeding!", Laito hugged the whimpering pup close glaring at Ayato's mother.
"M/n wake up, time to get up!"

Your ears perked to your name being called and your e/c eyes snapped open to hearing Mr. Jimbo waking you up to step out the limbo.

------------------------------------------------------Timeskip by a chibi Ayato commanding a frighten Yui to make him some takoyaki.
------------------------------------------------------"I heard there was going be hot new student coming" said a squealing girl and all the rest of her friends squealed with her,Ayato rolled his eyes at the girls that were squealing and fangirling but yet he was curious on what the new student looked like.Beep! Ayato Sakamaki please come to the main office! Ayato Sakamaki please come to the main office!Beep!

"Ayato here's a pass" said the teacher,Ayato had took the pass and left to the main office as he finally made it to the main office doorway he heard a deep voice and followed by another voice,Ayato entered the office just be hearing "here he is now have a good day sweetie" and there in front of Ayato was a tall male, and the tall male had fluffy wolf ears and (short,long etc) h/c hair that was in a messy bed hair state but looked soft to the touch and e/c eyes that was clouded with drowsiness and Ayato had to admit the tall male looked really hot and Ayato blushed at the tall male, he finally snapped out of his daze when he felt the office lady shoo him out the office.

Narrator:10 minutes later

Ayato entered the classroom and returned the pass to the teacher and went straight to his seat."Okay class we have a new student here today and I want you to treat this student with respect because come from a well manner household and without furthet ado, come on don't be shy" and there stood the tall male and Ayato felt silence fell over the class but except from the whispering the students that was whispering nonstop about the new student, but feel as if he know this student but decided think nothing of it."Okay why don't you introduce yourself?" said the teacher and everyone went silent " My name is M/n L/n and I'm 18 years old" you said in deep alluring voice and then hands went flying up you sighed this was going to be a long day, but you couldn't help but think who was that red head?

Author's Note
Okay so I just posted chapter 1 god it took me 906 words to say this but thank you for liking my story and I'm very thankful for that because this is my first very first male or female fanfiction of all time and please lend me or give me some ideas for my male inserts please and thank you and stay lovely my lovely children!😘😘😘😘muah

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