Chapter 35

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Bryn Atkinson's POV

The weather is starting to chill down a bit. Instead of wearing a coat, I've transferred to sweaters and leather jackets. Anyways, I was in the garage with my brother, Aspen, who was playing his drums. The guy is twenty-one and still hangs out in his garage. Not that it's bad, Aspen is in love with music.

"Oh my god, guess fucking what Bryn." He said, dropping his drum sticks.

"Chicken butt," I replied, looking through old stuff.

"I fucking hate that."

"I know, that's why I say it."

"Okay, let's be for real."

"Fine Pennie, tell me," I said, using his feminine nickname. Aspen rolled his eyes, a smile on his face.

"Okay, so it's official!" He said, skipping around the garage. "I met Kacey's family. Her family is great! Except for her brother, he's a little dick sometimes."

"That's great! How old is she?" I asked, remembering about the girl Aspen was always bragging to me about.

"She is nineteen. She works at this ice cream shop her mom owns after her Dad passed away." Aspen explained. "Loui's Ice Cream House it is."

"Wait, I've been there before!" I yelled, remembering the time Eliazer took me there after my fight with Kegan. The entire Charlie incident.

"Oh, yea? With who?" Aspen questioned, a smirk on his face.

"Somebody," I replied, pursing my lips.

"Well, who is this somebody." Aspen pushed on, raising his eyebrow.

"How does this have any relation to Kacey?" I asked, throwing him a paper ball.

"It doesn't, it's just me being a brother you goof." He replied, throwing back the ball with a smirk on his face.

"Wow, I feel the love, big brother!" I shouted sarcastically.

"Of course you do." He replied with a soft smile. "Do you ever, think about her?"

"Wow, what a mood killer," I said.

"No, I'm serious Bryn! Do you?" Aspen stated, pursing his lips.

"Not a time passes by that I don't," I stated. I would never forget about Charlie. Nobody likes being forgotten.


"Have you guys ever noticed those before?" I asked, pointing at the street art from the back seat of the truck window. "They come out like every two blocks."

"What? The one of the guy and the street light?" Benji asked next to me.

"Yeah, I'm telling you, it's literally everywhere," I said in response.

"Hey, it's pretty cool though. And the way it molds with other, uhm, masterpieces is pretty cool too." Tanner added from the seat behind me.

"To be honest. It shows a lot of emotion, especially when the scenery in the art is at night." Gemini added in the seat next to him, and next to her was Gray. We all somehow managed to squeeze in the truck. Bruce was driving with Eloy in the passenger seat, River was with Benji and me while Tanner, Gemini, and Gray sat in the back. It was pretty cozy though, and loud.

"Well, either way. I like it, it reminds me of someone."  I said. "I just don't know who."

"I think I know who." River said with a smirk, leaning forward so that I could see him across big Benji.

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