Chapter 1---Institute

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------Time skip: 10 years later-----

     I was pulled from the dream or should i say memory. By the blaring of my alarm clock, i opened my eyes to see the alarm numbers staring at me. 3:30 a.m. ugh i hate waking up so early  because i generally wake up at 4:45. Now thouroughly annoyed i threw the alarm clock at the wall. Shattering into a million pieces.

     "Clarissa so help me if you brokeanother alarm clock, you will get it" my best friend Rodney yells up from the floor below. 

     "Of course not mother, i wouldn't ruin something so precious as an alarm clock!!" I hollor back.

     "i'm not in the mood now get your hiney down here, or so help me I'll send in Sebastian" that got me up. Sebastian  may be my boyfriend but he always wakes me up in the most unbearable ways, one time he threw me over the stair well banister, which resulted in us fighting but whatever. so like a good girl i got up/dressed in black leggings and a grey tunic. "do you ever not wear something black?" Rodney asks as i skip into the kitchen.

     "i will stop wearing black when they invent a darker color." i say back grabbing an apple. He looks at me, and then his eyes move to look over my shoulder. He grins like a cheshire cat. Arms wrap around me, a fleshy vice pinning me against his chest. "why hello to you too Sebastian" i say and lean my head back onto his shoulder. He nuzzles my cheeck. Rodney of course made a gagging sound. " alright, alright, we get it but one day mister you will find a girl and i will do the same too you". I conclude shaking my finger at him. He simply, shrugs with a small smile.

     "yea when i find her" he rolls his eyes as he says it.

     "Rodney you will fid a special girl, and you will sweep her off her feet....and besides you should listen to your best friend, not only is she the number one shadow hunter in the world, but every once in a great while she gives out great advice". Rodney smiles at Sebastian. I really am happy the two get along quite well. There's a moment of an exchanged but comfortable silence.

    "well" i say breaking the silence "I hate to break such a touching moment but, we have to be at the New York Institute in an hour".

     "but Clarissa it takes two minutes to portal there" they both whine.

    "who said we were portaling?" i say with a grin. Their eyes widen. "i of course actually have wings but i made a rune so that you can fly" by the end of the sentance the two were bouncing up and down like children on christmas morning." ok my little 3 year olds" they hold their arms out and i draw the rune. After this i send our luggage to the institute. we climb the stairs to the top of the roof. we all know what to do, and together we run and jump. I unfurl my wings loving the feel of the wind ruffle through my feathers. My wings (in my opinion,some disagree) were really quite beautiful. They were as black as night but the tips were gold, symbolizing that i was a warrior of Heaven. Though no one knows but me, everyone else just thinks that i was experimented on. A while later i see that the two are getting tired so i grab their arms and just teleport us there.

     "hey next time give us a warning you just about gave me a heart attack".

      "oh yes, i see it now, the great Rodney james, died of a heart attack", i smile to emphasize my sarcasm. It works considering the two are now smiling.

     "Hey are they supposed to meet us out here or what's the deal?" Sebastian asks quizically.

      "well the head of institute Mayrse will be here, her husband and the children/other families are in Idris, and they will meet us tomarrow". we walk through the doors and follow the signs till we reach the 'office' we knock twice.

     "come in". we do and sitting behind the desk is a very stern, and regal looking woman.

     "hello my name is Clarissa Morgenstern, this is Rodney Ashwood, and Sebastian Verlac". I introduce pointing to each in turn. "you must be Mayrse?" i say holding out my hand. she takes it and says,

     "Welcome to the New York Institute, as you already know i am Mayrse Lightwood. The clave has sent you to train this institute's children, we have 2, 18 year olds a 17 year old, a 16 year old, and a 9 year old."

     "Alright when may we meet these children and other families that live here?".

     "well as of right now they are in Idris and won't be back till late, so how about tomarrow morning?".

     "That would be lovely thank you, we will retire to out rooms, and explore a bit, thank you it was nice meeting you". we all nodded once and left the room. I was barely out the door when it started.

    "Lovely?....retire?, what the hell is wrong with your speaking you never talk like that".Rodney said through is bouts of laughter.

     "i dont know but her whole personality and demeanor demanded and radiated respect." after a few minutes we found out rooms and found out stuff. we all said goodnight after a while of unpacking and i finally fell asleep with Rodney across the hall and Sebastian 'next' to mine though we may as well share a room for he slept in my room.within a cage of his arms i finally fell asleep.

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