~Winter Special~

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Info: hello my lovely readers! This is a winter special for you guys! This is a short story and you don't have to read it, it will not play a part in the plot of Chosen Suitor. So if you decide to read this then I hope you enjoy!! If not then the next update will be on Friday!
Happy holidays from S.T MacKinnon.


"I don't understand why they sent us to get the tree. I mean all they talk about is how males are the providers and -

I silently laugh as Ara continued to complain, the boys had sent us out to pick out a tree for the castle, and of course sent the girls because of Ara telling them how it need to be a perfect tree. Rolling my eyes I look over at the ranting girl. I knew the boys would have enough of her demands of a perfect tree and would just cut down the closest one they could; though we've only been walking a good fifteen minutes no tree we've passed so far was good enough for Ara. My eyes swept to the left as a flash of brown filled my vision, of course Jason wouldn't let us two girls go alone, I'd say he sent about ten guards. I could remember as Ara went on and on about how the tree had to look; Jason looked to Darin whom looked back at Jason and it was then I knew they would send us.

"Ella!" I turn my vision back on the Girl hell bent on finding the perfect tree, only to see her staring me down. "You're not even listening to me are you?" Ara's stern voice hit my ears loud and clear, a playful smile covered over my lips as we continued to march through the snow, the smell of pine was strong and enveloped us in its blanket of freshness. Ara let out a laugh before a gasp left her lips. My senses when on full alert as I turn to look where she was looking; only to find noting but pine trees.

"Ella look!" She pointed as her eyes widened, my gaze followed her out stretched hand to see where she was pointing, "there on the top of that hill!"  My eyes trailed up the dark free pine trees of the forest before noticing the sharp downward drop of the drop off down the hill. The harsh brow stuck out of the snow; as ice  cover other rocks and dirt of the cliff. "It's the perfect tree!" And there at the very edge of the hill, right at the beginning of the downhill drop was a full, round and tall spruce.  I had to admit it looked like a beautiful tree, but the work we would have to do to get to it was enormous. I turned to Ara to let her know I was not trekking up that hill for a tree when we were already surrounded by one; but the excited look on Ara's face and happy smile I knew I was going to regret this.

Nodding my head she smiled wider, "alright Ara, we'll get that tree. Now are you sure that's the 'perfect' tree?"  My tone was teasing but my mind was stressing, how far we had to go just for a tree was a bit ridiculous.  We started the hike uphill through the snow, and it only seemed to get worse from there, the snow seemed to get deeper and the trees seemed to become more thicker. Pushing branches away from me I would swiftly walk past before letting it go, after doing this a few times it all became natural too me. That is until a loud snap followed after I passed by one. Turning around I let out a loud gasp and run forward, Ara turning around to assess the situation but started to laugh as I panicked. There in front of me was one of the following guards holding his hands over his nose.

"Oh my lord! Are you okay!" I rush out as I knell down in front of he fallen man, it was the I smelled the faint scent of blood and realized the snap I had heard was his nose. Cursing under my breath I watched as he cupped his nose in pain before another guard came out and gentility guided me out of the way before turning to the fallen guard and snapping his nose back into place. The crunch sound that followed only seemed to make my guild grow and Ara's laughter to get louder.  "Please, please forgive me." I mumble out before the guard with blood and all smiled at me and nodded. Turning into his wolf form he disappeared into the underbrush to watch over us once again. Ara's laughter grew louder as I walked back to her, asking my head at her as she placed a hand on my shoulder. I ignored her and pushed on with our hike.

Getting to the top took a lot longer than we thought, not only did I break someone's nose but another guard now has a lump on his forehead as he trailed too close behind me. "Wow... it's beautiful.." Ara's voice echoed over the hill as she and I stared up at the gigantic fir tree. I didn't even know how we would get it back, much less if it would even fit in the ball room.  I watched as Ara pulled the saw from her backpack and started to cut.

"Um. Ara I thought you're  suppose to cut away from you?"

"Non sense Ella! You're suppose to cut towards you so you can control the tree and predict where it falls."  Ara had her eyebrows scrunched together as she began to cut away at the trunk. I came closer and watched as a slight pile of saw dust started to pile up, becoming contrast against the pure white snow.

Another cracking sounds pierced my ears and a hand griped my jacket before the next thing I knew I was falling downwards. My eyes shut and when I opened them I was staring up at the shocked faces of the ten guards and then I realized we were still falling, no. We were sliding, I could feel Ara hand still griping onto me as we were pulled against the trunk of the tree. A scream left my mouth as the wind whipped my hair back and particles of broken ice and rock slammed into my face as we made our decent. Reaching around I grab hold of Ara with my other hand as all I could was watch as we sled down the ice and snow covered cliff.

We were going to die, there was no way I was making it out, none, but as Ara let out a laughing squeal I looked forward, and my eyes widened, I could see the thick tree line approaching and all I could hear besides the wind was Ara's fits of laughter. As we came closer and closer to the foliage I braced for impact but the tree pushed right on through. I peaked from one eye and the smiling face of Ara fill my vision along with the blur of the green spruce and the White of the fresh snow. Finally we started to come to a stop at a small clearing as wolves broke through the tree line and encircled us, sniffing to check for injuries. There were none besides a few scratches which would quickly heal.

Walking back into the castle we had smiles on our faces as we laughed at the innocent and Jason and Darin whom were waiting for us stared us with worried glances as we proudly showed the "perfect" tree. Of course the tip was snapped and hanging off and there was a whole  side missing beaches from where it slid in the snow. Along with broken branches along other sides.  Darin couldn't understand how this could be the tree Ara described as perfect as he and her walked away; leaving me and Jason as some staff started to take the tree to set it up.  Sending a smile at Jason, he just stares down at me.

I went to head off but a hand stopped me, pulling me back towards the handsome man I tired to leave. The shocking feeling of lips on my own startled me, my eyes wide as I stare at Jason's closed ones, I too soon begin to close my own and give in to the soft caresses from his lips. Pulling back an inch he kept me in his warm embrace, I kept my eyes closed breathing in his scent. Lips brushed once more against mine, I savoured the feeling. "Sorry." His soft whispered was breathed against the soft flesh of my lips.

"For what.." I whisper back as I open my eyes to stare back into his emerald ones.

"Mistletoe." Jason's light laugh brushed over me as he bent his head back looking up and I too looked up to see the plant as it hung above us. We both lowered our heads together I was still in his arms and nuzzled against him, "so why don't you tell me what happened to Ara 'perfect' tree" he laughed as he kept his arm around my waist guiding me towards the ball room so we could look at our lovely tree as I tell him the story of how Ara almost killed us.

Happy holidays!

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