Phillip Hamilton-Modern

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"He is such a fox," one of your friends said while the rest of them giggled. They were all looking down the hallway at the one and only Phillip Hamilton.

"Hey ladies, have you seen George Eacker?" Phillip asked while walking up.

"He's in the cafeteria I think," one of your friends answered.

"Thanks ladies," he replied with a wink. All the girls around you swooned while you rolled your eyes.

"I don't understand why you all fan girl over him so much," you said. You did like Phillip, as much as you hated to admit it. The two of you had been best friends until he became super popular and the two of you grew apart.

Soon you all heard yelling coming for the cafeteria and walked towards it.

"You talked bad about my father!" Phillip yelled.

"He's a scoundrel just like you!" George spit back.

"You'll pay for those worlds! I'll fight you, after school!" Phillip yelled before George brushed him off and went back to talking with his friends. Phillip quickly walked out of the room, his friends following close behind.

You worried all day about Phillip fighting George, Phillip was always so sweet and not used to violence. As soon  as the last bell of the day rang you started walking towards the park where all the fights took place.

When you walked up you saw the ring of people surrounding the fight and started forcing your way to the front. You saw George beating on Phillip, and watched Phillip fall to the ground. You quickly ran into the circle.

"Enough!" You yelled at George who, surprisingly, stopped on the spot. "I think you hurt him enough."

"Look at little Phillip Hamilton, he even has to have a girl fight protect him," George taunted. You instantly stepped up and punched George in the nose. "I can't believe you punched me!"

"That's what you get, now go!" You yelled. George quickly ran off holding his bleeding nose. You kneels down to check on Phillip. "You alright?"

"I am now, thanks (y/n)," he told you with a small smile.

"I got your back you know, even if you did leave me for the popular crowd," you muttered.

"Me leave you? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me so I made new friends!" Phillip replied.

"What? Why would you think that?"

"You started acting weird around me, like you were hiding things, I thought you didn't like me anymore."

"Phillip, it was he exact opposite, I really like you, and I'm talking like like," you explains while blushing.

"I like you like that too (y/n)," Phillip admitted, causing you to smile brightly at him. "How about I take you on a date?"

"I would love that. Now, let's get you to my house so I can get you some ice and clean up your scratches."

"Alright," Phillip said before the two of you stood up. "By the way (y/n), thanks for punching  George."

"Anytime, now I just need some ice," you said with a laugh while looking at your red knuckles. The two of you walked to your house, and spent the night watching movies while rotating ice packs and various bags of frozen vegetables to put on your bruises.

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