Merry christmas

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It was Christmas Eve and u were at the airport waiting for ur flight to New York u had ur bag and all ur stuff ready for the flight that was belayed because of the massive snow storm that's going on in Florida

U were wearing skinny jeans and a aeropostal sweater that had a New York scenery and some boots. U put on ur headphones and started playing some hey violet and why don't we they are some new bands that u have found and liked

U were almost falling asleep when u heard a group of people mostly boys playing around with swords and one of them sitting down on a chair u took ur phone and snap chatted the boys playing and the one on ur phone saying "when everyone is so hyped for Christmas and ur just not" and posted it then turning off my phone to go and get some food from the food court leaving my stuff

I was walking back with a doughnut and some coffee from Dunkin doughnuts when I got bumped into by one of the boys that were playing

"Ooh I'm sorry" the one that was sitting down said taking off his headphones that were in his ears "no it's okay" I said and went to sit down when he asked "ooh where is the dunkin donuts store I can't seam to find it" he said and I smiled "pass the bathroom to the right" I said and went to sit down "thanks im Liam" he said and shook my free hand "well I'm y/n nice to meet u" and went to sit down

Less then 40 minutes later I was sitting and Liam came up to me and say next to me "hey" he said and I smiled "hey what's up" I said bow paying attention fully to him "well I saw u  alone and I'm alone too so yeah" he said and I smiled "what about those guys aren't they with u" I said and he shook his head yes

"Unfortunately those 2 goofballs are my band mates" he said and pointed to them "the one with the red glow up sword is Emery and and the one with a green one is Ricky" he said and something clicked in my brain "wait are u guys forever in your mind like the people who sing hurricane and enough about me" I asked and he shook his hand "well yeah we are ur a fan" he said and I laughed "yeah but the real fan is my baby sister she loves u guys with all her heart" I said and he laughed "ooh and she's 4 turning 5" and he just stated laughing even more "good that we have a good audience" he said and then I noticed that the guys were walking to us " "well hay Liam what's up" Ricky said and smiled at me "ooh I'm sorry im Ricky and this is Emery" he said pointing to Emery who looked at me "hey im y/n" I said and they smiled "well a pretty name for a pretty girl" I said and I just smiled "thanks"

"So guys y/n has a little sister who is a big fan and loves our stuff so should we make her a little surprise" Liam asked and they smiled "wait how old is she" Ricky asked and I laughed "she's 4 turning 5" I said and they gave the same expressing Liam gave "wow dead"

They all got up and said "hey y/s/n hope u have a happy holidays and a merry Christmas to all and have a happy birthday

Ahh i know im late and im so sorry about that I have been trying to update the book for the longest but my phone is just acting up and not letting me type while my laptop is just stupid im so sorry but hope u like this cute imagine and merry Christmas happy holidays

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