chapterONE: what's happening to me

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Hello to you reading this book this is the second installment of my kyo Kara month series thank you for taking the time to read this story and I do hope that you enjoy what I wrote here

I appreciate whoever is reading

Chapter one

I've been feeling groggy lately but I'm unable to sleep. Because I've been having cramps, headaches, and vivid and strange dreams. I'm starting to wonder what's going on with me. I haven't said anything to Yuri yet because I don't want him worrying needlessly. So until I know what's going on I won't say anything to him.

I'll go talk to Gisela today and see what she says. Maybe she'll be able to tell me why I've been feeling weird for the past few weeks. Once I know what's going on I'll confide in Yuri and we can figure this out together.

I was on my way to the Infirmary when I ran into Gunter.  He asked me where am I going in such a hurry. I told him that I was going to talk to Gisela. He told me that she was on a long assignment on the outskirts of  the Kingdom and wouldn't be back for a few months

Looks like my plans are going to be delayed until she gets back. This isn't good. Things are bound to get worse before they get better. But there's nothing I can do. All I can do is wait until she gets back. Let's hope Yuri doesn't notice that there's something wrong before then

Two and a half weeks later

I feel so sick, I've been barfing all morning, and I can't figure out why. Luckily Yuri is back on Earth and probably won't be back for a while. So I don't have to worry about him, seeing me vomit and asking questions about it. Can't wait for Gisela to get back. I need her to tell me what's wrong with me. This whole situation is starting to worry me. I hope that whatever is going on is not life-threatening. Because if it is I won't be able to spend my Life with Yuri and Greta the way I plan to. I hope Gisela gets back soon I need her to let me know what's going on with me.

Conrad's POV

I'm starting to worry about Wolfram. He seems to be very sick and he's not sleeping well. I've tried to convince him to go see one of our healers. But he said he wanted to wait for Gisela. Because he wants to go to someone he fully trusts. I hope Gisela gets back soon so that we can find out what's wrong with my little brother. If she's not back soon, I'm going to get another healer to see him. So we can get him all the help and support that he needs to get better.

Wolfram POV

After I emptied my stomach into the toilet. I went to Gwendel's office.  He asked to see me earlier that morning. Upon entering his office, I noticed that he and Conrad were having a hushed conversation.

They immediately stopped when they saw me enter I ignored the atmosphere and asked Gwendol what he needed from me. He just said that he needed to talk to me and I said "Okay what about?"

"It's about your health of late. You seem to be very sick you've been vomiting every day for the past month  Conrad has told me that you refuse to see any other healers other than Gisela. Your illness and behavior are worrying us.

So even if we have to force you to see a healer, you will be examined. we've already informed the healer's office and they will be sending one to my office shortly."

when I heard this I tried to rush to the door and get out but when I pulled the door knob it wouldn't open.

" I've had a spell lock put on the door you can't get out of this room. It can only be open from the outside and I will not have it removed until we know what's wrong with you" said Gwendol

Thanks for reading all the comments welcome good and bad I like to know what I can do to make my story better so if you have any form of comment at all I appreciate it and if you like it leave a comment if you hate it leave a comment voting is up to you I appreciate any form of comments

Sincerely alysse413

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